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(June 2012)

QuestionI have a wisteria tree that has yet to bloom.  I keep the vines/runner trimmed as needed.  Any ideas on what might be causing this? Also, I have a peony in full sun that has yet to bloom. I am not an expert by no means with flowers.


AnswerWisteria can be notoriously slow to start blooming--sometimes as long as 8-10 years. Once it does, it tends to bloom annually.  It does best in full sun and should be kept trained to a trellis or fence--not allowed to grow up a tree.  It should be pruned hard in the spring once the leaves begin to come out, and then not pruned again, as it sets flower buds in late summer/ early fall. Peonies in full sun that aren't blooming usually mean they have planted the bulbs too deep.  The eyes on a peony (similar to eyes on a potato) should be planted no deeper than ½ to 1 inch underground.

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