May 1, 2016
Can pomegranate plants be grown in Arkansas? My grandmother had one with bright orange
blooms but it never produced anything edible. I would love to grow my own pomegranates
but I was wondering if I would ever get any fruit?
Pomegranates (Punica granatum) have seen a huge surge in popularity as one of the super fruits. Pomegranates are
native to the Middle East and were brought to the United States by early Spanish settlers.
Pomegranates have been grown as an ornamental plant for years in Arkansas with very
showy orange blooms. Many set small fruit, but with our humid summers, rarely did
we see great fruit production. Today, a new series of Russian pomegranates have shown
good results with fruiting and winter hardiness. They need full sun and a well-drained
soil. Pomegranates flower on new growth, much like a fig, so if any pruning is needed,
it should be done before new growth begins in late February to early March. The fruit
is produced on short spurs found on 2- to 3-year-old stems. Light annual pruning will
encourage new fruiting spurs to develop, but avoid heavy pruning which can reduce
(June 2010)
Can you please tell me what this plant is? I grew this bush from a cutting off of
a huge bush next to my duplex in the Heights. The mother plant is about 11 ' tall,
has tea/Camellia like leaves that stay on the bush until late in winter, then drop
the leaves and quickly grows new leaves. The bush puts out new shoots clustered around
the base. New growth is green but becomes woody after about a year. This bush flowers
twice a year...once in spring and once late summer. The flowers bloom from hard waxy
buds. These buds look similar in shape to the Persimmon flower bud but not in color.
These buds are NEON ORANGE and about 1 inch x 3/4". The blooms are about 1 1/2" in
diameter. The bloom petals are form ruffled double flowers most similar to typical
Pink Camellia japonica(s). No fruit are produced after flowering. There is very
little scent to the flower. I have found this bush described online in North Carolina
and New Orleans. I have found an 8' bush in Russellville. No one that I talk to
can agree what type of bush this is. This is an incredible bush. Do you have any
ideas what this bush is?
The plant in question is a pomegranate - Punica granatum. It is an old-fashioned shrub with beautiful orange flowers. The edible fruit can
range from pea size to almost apple size depending on the variety. While the small
fruits are edible, there isn't much to eat. Many grow it simply as an ornamental.
(March 2010)
I am interested in growing ornamental pomegranates in my yard and want to know what
you can tell me about this plant--where I can obtain some and what are the best kind
to get. If they are good for birds to eat, then I want the fruiting kind; if not,
then I want the flowering kind.
I don't know if birds eat them or not, but they sure are pretty. Punica granatum is the plant in question and there are numerous varieties. Most produce bright orange
flowers, although there are cultivars with white and pink flowers, but I like the
bright orange. Fruit can vary from small reddish fruits to the large ones seen in
grocery stores. 'Granada' is the hardiest of the pomegranates and it does set fruit.
Most are only winter hardy through central Arkansas. As to availability, check with
your local nursery and see if they can get it for you.
(October 2007)
Last fall I was able to get a start from a pomegranate bush, babied it till now and
it is hardy. The tallest part is about 3ft. I now need to move it because the location
will not be good for the size it will hopefully grow to. When should I do this and
what is the best way?
The pomegranate bushes are gaining in popularity again. Their bright orange flowers
are great in the summer. I would let it stay where it is for the winter and move
it as it is beginning to break dormancy next spring. Pomegranates are marginally
hardy north of Little Rock, so I would leave them intact for the winter and then move
them. Since they have only been in the ground a year, you should get the bulk of
the root system when moving. Make sure you plant them at the same depth they are
currently growing and give them a sunny location with good drainage.
(October 2006)
My mother has a Pomegranate plant that she started from a seed. She wants to know
if she should set the plant in the ground for the fall planting season or if she should
keep the plant indoors for the winter?
At this point, I would treat it as a houseplant. The weather is turning cool, and
if the plant has already been inside, it has not hardened off enough. It may also
not have a very strong root system. Once all chance of frost has passed in the spring,
plant it outdoors. Pomegranates should be hardy from central Arkansas south, once
they become established.
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