Fertilizing Plants
November 11, 2017
I have some old granular fertilizer that I found in the garage. It is probably several years old. I also have some year old liquid fertilizer. Should I keep it and use it or discard. Are they harmful to plants?
As long as they have been stored in a cool, dry place, they should be fine to use. If the granular fertilizer has gotten wet, it will not be as effective, but if it is still dry, I think you are safe to use it. The liquid fertilizer again, should be fine unless it has been exposed to extremes of temperatures—freezing and thawing or really heating up, can change the chemical properties.
December 5, 2015
I have areas in my yard that are landscaped with rocks which are spread over landscaping cloth. Does granular fertilizer applied around the base of the shrubs eventually dissolve and feed the roots, or am I wasting my fertilizer?
Landscape fabric is breathable, so water and oxygen work their way into the soil. The fertilizer should dissolve and work its way in as well. It just may take a little more time.
September 2012
What do you mean by a light application of fertilizer and would that be water soluble
or granular?
When I say a light application it would be to use a rate that is half of what is recommended
on the package. It can be either granular or water soluble. When plants are stressed
by heat or drought, it is always better to err on the side of applying less and reapplying
in a couple of weeks, then burning them with too much.
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