(Dec. 2009)
Last May I bought a mini-rose bush, and set it in a pot outdoors. The reason I didn't
put it in the ground is because the ground is so rocky here in Bella Vista that I
didn't feel I had the strength to dig the hole. The bush bloomed beautifully, and
I have had much pleasure from it. I think it might freeze and die if I leave it in
the pot outdoors all winter. Can I successfully bring it indoors now?
The miniature rose should do fine outside all winter as long as you give it a little
extra protection. Going indoors into a heated house will be quite a shock now, since
it has gotten used to the cold. You could also store it in a garage or storage building.
The roots are what you need to protect, since the soil will get colder in the elevated
container. If it is a large pot you are probably fine. For added protection if it
gets really cold, wrap the pot with burlap or a sheet or place in behind some of your
shrubs, next to the house. It would be much happier outside than inside, especially
since it has been outside up through a frost. If you leave it outside all winter and
it gets dry, don’t forget to water, especially prior to a heavy freeze.
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