Water Plants
October 2006
I know that recently, Arkansas has banned the sale and possession of water hyacinth.
I also know that any that I purchased prior to the ban is okay for me to have, but
that I won't be able to buy anymore, because it's now illegal for nurseries to sell
it. I have a small - 350 gallon - pre-formed pond in my back yard in which I have
always placed water hyacinth. The plant will not survive the winter in the pond, because
it's not deep enough, only about 30" at the greatest depth. If I take some of the
plant and over winter it in a tub in my house to put back in the pond next spring,
am I in trouble?
For clarification, I checked with my friends at the Arkansas State Plant Board who
regulates such matters. Plants contained on the prohibited plant list present such
a danger to the natural ecosystems in the state that they are prohibited. This means
they cannot be sold or used in plantings in Arkansas. Water hyacinth multiply like
rabbits, and can clog up waterways. If you had the plant in your garden this season,
you were allowed to keep growing them, since they were just added to the list. But
from now on, you can’t have them, so the answer to your question is no, you can’t
save them. Add them to the compost pile and find a new water plant. There are many
to choose from. Other plants on the prohibited list include: purple loosestrife, giant
salvinia (Salvinia molesta), water hyacinth and Japanese blood grass. Japanese Blood
Grass was just added along with the water hyacinth. This red-tipped ornamental cultivar,
Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra,’ is extensively promoted as Red Baron, or Japanese Blood
Grass. It has been sold and grown as an ornamental for some time, and can turn a beautiful
red color in the fall. However, they have found that it can revert to Cogon grass:
Imperata cylindrica which has been ranked as one of the ten worst weeds of the world.