Developing a colorful, informative brochure, advertising by every available avenue and members recruiting members are just a few ways to recruit new members into your local county program.
Elizabeth Hale - Chair
Washington County Master Gardener
The Program Guide contains valuable information for county RRR chairs. The Training section has suggestions for Recruiting; the Recruitment and Retention section offers additional ideas for recruiting and guidelines for Mentoring and Retention. We encourage all county officers and RRR chairs to become familiar with these resources. In addition, templates and examples are provided for use by county RRR chairs and committees to supplement the information provided in the Program Guide.
Additional RRR - Aids are listed at the bottom of the page.
Developing a colorful, informative brochure, advertising by every available avenue and members recruiting members are just a few ways to recruit new members into your local county program.
There are many ways to improve your retention of your Master Gardeners, Mentoring is just one of many ways.
Rewarding and sharing the accomplishments of members is a valuable way to recognize your hard working Master Gardeners
Fun and fellowship is important for the success of your Master Gardener program. It is a key to keeping your members involved. Use these ideas to keep your monthly meetings interesting:
Present one of the items at your meeting and ask for several suggestions on how it would apply to Master Gardener's
"Great meetings" is part of the backbone of the Master Gardener program. Enthusiasm is what keeps everyone focused and on the go. We need to retain the old and incorporate new volunteers. We can’t do this without lively, interesting and refreshing meetings for our members. How can this be accomplished?
There are hundreds of great ideas all over the state. Remember: Enthusiasm is contagious - don't be afraid to spread it.
Above and Beyond Hours:
These awards are given in addition to:
Suggestion: Search the internet for informal awards and ways to recognize your Master Gardener volunteers. Other service organizations are good resources also.
Pins, Ribbons, Trophies, and other awards
Awards will be given at the State Conference.
Award forms will be posted on the "Awards" page when available.