Weed ID Database
Sedges, Annual/Rice Flatsedge
Common Name: Sedges, Annual / Rice Flatsedge
Scientific Name: Cyperus sp.
Weed Type: Monocot
Life Cycle: Summer annual
Annual Sedge seed heads
![Picture closeup of Annual Sedge showing three seed heads. Picture closeup of Annual Sedge showing three seed heads.](/yard-garden/images/weed_id/sedge_annual.jpg)
Rice Flatsedge flower
![Picture closeup of Rice Flatsedge flower. Picture closeup of Rice Flatsedge flower.](/yard-garden/images/weed_id/sedge_rice_flatsedge.jpg)
Rice Flatsedge plant
![Picture of Rice Flatsedge plant. Picture of Rice Flatsedge plant.](/yard-garden/images/weed_id/sedge_rice2.jpg)