UACES Facebook LeadAR Class 19 Prepares for International Study Tour in Portugal
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LeadAR Class 19 Prepares for International Study Tour in Portugal

by Lisa Davis - August 26, 2022

Collage of photos related to Portugal

In the August virtual seminar, LeadAR Class 19 members shared their research on important topics related to their upcoming international study tour (IST) to Portugal in September.

The objectives of the LeadAR capstone IST are to:

  • Understand the major policies that shape the social, economic, and political systems in Portugal and how they compare and impact Arkansas and the United States.
  • Identify the major issues Portugal regarding agriculture/natural resources, education, health, and economic development.

  • Explore the various innovations/best practices conducted by Portugal to address the significant issues and potential lessons learned to help Arkansas address similar issues.

  • Provide participants with current information and diverse perspectives to analyze complex cultural and economic issues facing individuals and rural and urban communities.

Class members researched and shared details about geographic areas, culture, food, customs, agriculture, healthcare, education, economy, and military. Additional details were shared about travel matters and logistics.

LeadAR is a program designed to help Arkansans broaden their understanding of issues and opportunities facing our state and strengthen their ability to make a difference. For more information about LeadAR, visit the website or contact Robinson,, or Lisa Davis,
