UACES Facebook May Leadership Lunch and Learn: Strategic and Critical Thinking
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May Leadership Lunch and Learn: Strategic and Critical Thinking

by Lisa Davis - May 31, 2022

Strategic/Critical Thinking

In the May 2022 Leadership Lunch and Learn session, participants explored strategic and critical thinking.

Dr. Hunter Goodman, an assistant professor of community, workforce, and economic development at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, shared her insights on the topic. 

Watch the recording here.

During the session, participants shared how they defined critical thinking. Responses included the following:

Image of critical thinking descriptions

Goodman shared how Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) is a different way of thinking about community development using the analogy "is the glass half full or half empty?"

Half full equals communities and their citizens have capacities and assets. Half empty equals communities have deficiencies and needs.

Using ABCD is a "glass is half full" approach and includes the following aspects:

  • Discovers what's strong not what's wrong.
  • Places community at the center of local decision making.
  • Activates individual & community participation.
  • Builds on community leadership.
  • Strengthens local connection & relationships.

(Credit to the Jeder Institute and ABCD Institute at DePaul University)

When using this approach, define the gifts of everyone in the community. Goodman focused on the gifts of head, heart, and hands.

Overview of the gifts:

  • Gifts of the Head. (Things you know something about and would enjoy talking about with others, e.g., art, history, movies, birds.)

  • Gifts of the Hand. (Things or skills you know how to do and would like to share with others, e.g., carpentry, sports, cooking.)

  • Gifts of the Heart. (Things you care deeply about, e.g., protection of the environment, civic life, children.)

The next Leadership Lunch and Learn session will be at 12:15 p.m.,  June 29, and will focus on “Motivation and Engagement.” Diane Mashburn, a program and planning instructor within the Community, Professional and Economic Development unit, will present.

Register now.
