Eight Facts about the Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines
Kris Boulton
Phone: (501) 303-5672
Email: kboulton@uada.edu

University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
1605 Edison Ave.
Benton, AR 72015
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Eight Facts about the Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines
Do you have questions about taking the COVID-19 vaccine? Here are 8 Facts about the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that can help you make your decision.
Fact 1 The vaccines are safe and effective
Both vaccines had to go through difficult trials to determine how safe they are and how well they work. The vaccines were found by the FDA to be safe and effective, and no safety concerns were found during the FDA’s review. By using a 2-dose system (this means that you will get two separate shots) the vaccines are 95% effective at protecting us against the virus that causes COVID-19.
Fact 2 Getting the vaccine will not make you sick with COVID-19
Neither of the vaccines that are currently available have any of the live COVID-19 virus inside of them. You may feel some pain in your arm after you get your shot, and you may develop a headache, fever, or feel tired for a few days after getting the vaccine. More serious symptoms are extremely rare.
Fact 3 The differences between Pfizer & Moderna
Either vaccine is safe for you to get. The only difference is that the Pfizer vaccine is approved for persons over the age of 16 and the Moderna vaccine is approved for persons over the age of 18. Both vaccines require two separate doses (two different shots). The time in between the first dose and the second dose differs for the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines. The recommendation for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is to wait three weeks (21days) between the first and second doses. For the Moderna vaccine, the recommendation is to wait one month (28 days) between the first and second doses.
Fact 4 You still need to get vaccinated even if you are healthy OR if you have had COVID-19 in the past
Healthy adults of all ages are still extremely susceptible to getting COVID-19 disease. This is also true of otherwise healthy adults without any co-morbid and/or pre-existing conditions. Even if you do not develop symptoms of COVID-19 or have a severe case of COVID-19, you could still be spreading the virus to others.
Fact 5 The vaccine will not change your DNA or genetic makeup
Both of the COVID-19 vaccines are what is known as Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines, which helps your body’s cells to create a protein, called an antibody, that jumpstarts your immune system to fight the virus. The mRNA never goes into your cells (the nucleus) where your DNA is kept, so it cannot change or harm your DNA.
Fact 6 Getting the COVID-19 vaccine does not cause infertility
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the vaccine could cause infertility in women or men. In addition, infertility is not known to occur as the result of natural COVID-19 disease, further demonstrating that immune responses to the virus, whether caused by infection or a vaccine, are not a cause of infertility
Fact 7 Neither Pfizer or Moderna were created using fetal tissue
Fetal tissue was not used during any development or production stages of either of the currently available COVID-19 vaccines. In other words, no fetal cells were used to manufacture the vaccine, nor are they found inside the vaccine shots you receive from your doctor.
Fact 8 Even if you get the vaccine, you should still wear a mask, wash your hands, and social distance
Getting the vaccine is another layer of protection against the virus. People who get the vaccine are protected, but still may be able to spread the virus. For the best protection against the virus, you still need to wear a mask, wash your hands, and social distance from others.