Forage Demonstrations
Our agents demonstrate the latest research-based methods to treating fields for weeds and growing forages for livestock.
2020 Broadleaf Forage Weed Control Demonstration
Location: Washington County
Learn what agents in Northwest Arkansas learned about controlling hemlock, cuckleburr, buttercup and other broadleaf weeds in a field of bermuda. Note at the 7:22 mark, you can see data for what herbicide produced the best results.

Fall Forage Production Demonstration - Warm Season Annuals
Location: Fayettville, AR | Washington County
Hope, AR | Hempstead County
Livestock production in Arkansas is primarily pasture based. The two predominant forages
grown in the state are fescue and Bermuda grass. Historically, Extension efforts have
focused on helping producers increase the growth of these two forages and find creative
ways to extend the production of these forages into periods of the year that are outside
of their normal growth curves. To view the full demonstration and results, see the
PDF below.
Warm Season Annual Demonstration