Extension Livestock Faculty and Staff

Dr. Mike Looper
Department Head
University of Arkansas
1120 West Maple Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 575-3745
Email: looper@uark.edu

Dr. Shane Gadberry
Ruminant Nutrition Specialist
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Livestock & Forestry Research Station
Phone: 870-793-8087
Email: sgadberry@uada.edu

Dr. Mark Russell
Equine Specialist
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: (501) 671-2190
Fax: (501) 671-2185
Email: mrussell@uada.edu
Allison Harman
4-H Youth Livestock
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: (501) 671-2109
Email: aharman@uada.edu

Dr. Bryan Kutz
Assistant Professor
UA Livestock Judging Team Coach
Youth Livestock Extension
University of Arkansas
1120 West Maple Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 575-4337
Email: bkutz@uark.edu

Dr. Dan Quadros
Assistant Professor
Small Ruminant Specialist
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: (501) 425-4657
Fax: (501) 671-2185
Email: dquadros@uada.edu

Dr. Dirk Philipp
Associate Professor
University of Arkansas
1120 West Maple Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 575-7914
Fax: (479) 575-7294
Email: dphilipp@uark.edu

Kenny Simon
Instructor - Forages
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: (501) 671-2179
Fax: (501) 671-2185
Email: ksimon@uada.edu

Dr. Maggie Justice
Assistant Professor
Beef Cattle Specialist
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: 501-671-2350
Email: mjustice@uada.edu
Dr. Daniel Rivera
Director of SWREC
Southwest Research and Extension Center
362 Highway 174 North
Hope, AR 71801
Email: drivera@uada.edu

Dr. Charles Looney
Professor- Cattle Improvement
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: (870) 777-9702
Email: clooney@uada.edu

Andrew Milsom
Post Doctoral Fellow
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: (501) 671-2060
Email: amilsom@uada.edu

Jonathon Kubesch
Assistant Professor - Forages
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: (501) 671-2270
Email: jkubesch@uada.edu

Kristen Midkiff
Instructor - Extension Animal Health
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: (501) 671-2097
Email: kmidkiff@uada.edu

Linda McCargo
Administrative Specialist III
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: (501) 671-2171
Fax: (501) 671-2185
Email: lmccargo@uada.edu

Renae Blackmon
Administrative Specialist III
Cooperative Extension Service
2301 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: (501) 671-2207
Email: rblackmon@uada.edu