
Karl VanDevender Ph.D., PE
Professor - Extension Engineer
University of Arkansas System
Division of Agriculture
2301 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204-4940
Phone: 501-671-2244
Cell: 501-944-1016
Fax: 501-671-2303
Manure and Mortality Management
Proper manure and mortality management is essential for profitable production and environmental protection. The basic principles and goals are easily and quickly understood. However, since manure management interacts with many farming practices, it can become rather complex to properly follow these principles and achieve these goals. As a result, the requirements for good management are:
- Information regarding recommended management practices, pertinent regulations, as well as available information regarding the farm's past, current, and potential new practices.
- Utilizing the available information to design and plan the management systems.
- Properly installing and following the designs and plans.
- Keeping adequate records to document the strengths of the plans and actions taken as well as areas of potential improvement.
- Repeating the steps above as needed.
Select Extension Information Sources
- UA Extension Publications
- UA Extension Nutrient Management Planning Information
- Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community (LPELC)
Suggested State and Federal Organization Web Sites
- USDA Arkansas Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Arkansas Natural Resources Conservation Commission
- Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
- Environmental Protection Agency, Animal Feeding Operations
Computer Software (3/5/2020 Update)
- Arkansas Nutrient Management Planner. Release date 3/5/2020, ARNMP02052020.xlsm. Provides NRCS soil data updated in September of 2019 and “click buttons” minor bug fix. For notification of updates, usage assistance, or suggestions email with “ARNMP related” in the subject line.
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