Small Ruminants Field Day April 29, 2023

What: The Arkansas Small Ruminant Field Day aims to increase producer knowledge and understanding
of sheep and goat husbandry/health, production, and marketing.
The attendees will have the opportunity to participate in practical demonstrations
and discussions of relevant factors that affect economic, social, and environmental
sustainability of sheep and goat industries in Arkansas.
Lunch will be provided.
When: April 29, 2023 8:30 AM - 4 PM
Where: USDA-ARS Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center
6883 South State Highway 23 Booneville, AR 72927
Cost: Free
Register Now
Seats are limited! Deadline to register is April 24th.
Tentative Schedule
Park at the Headquarters (Parking will be permitted only at the Headquarters and a
shuttle to the farm will be provided.*)
8:30 - Online registration material pick up/onsite registration
9:00 - Technology demonstrations - Round 1
- Conventional and electric fences
Kenny Simon, UADA
- Nutrition programs
Dan Quadros, UADA
- Gastrointestinal parasites
Joan Burke, USDA-ARS
10:30 - Break
11:00 - Technology demonstrations - Round 2
- Reproductive efficiency
Brittany Scott, Smart Repro/Delta Labs
- Targeted selective treatment (Five-point check)
Linda Coffey, NCAT/ATTRA
- Health management practices
Jeremy Powell, UofA
12:30 - Lunch with lamb burgers
1:30 - Emerging topics
- Forage plants and pasture management
Ken Coffey, UofA
- Health management
Jeremy Powell, UofA
Joan Burke, USDA-ARS
2:30 - Round table
Market updates, new opportunities for small ruminants (solar grazing, brush control),
predator control, producer groups and associations
3:30 - Closing remarks and evaluation
*If you have a disability and need to park at the farm please let us know in the registration form.
After registering if you are unable to attend please email Dan Quadros at
Meet our speakers!
Brittany Scott
Upon graduating with a M.S. in Reproductive Physiology from Louisiana State University
in 2011, Brittany relocated to Cherry Valley, Arkansas. There, she founded and co-owned
B & D Genetics, where she focused on providing small ruminant reproductive services
here in Arkansas and across the country. In 2017 she started Delta Livestock Diagnostics,
a serology testing lab specializing in small and large ruminant testing in addition
to being a NVSL EIA approved lab. Due to international inquiries for the superior
sheep and goat genetics produced here in the U.S., Brittany responded by creating
SMART Reproduction in 2021. This USDA approved export center for the collection of
semen and embryos from small ruminants has shipped germplasm throughout the world.
Both SMART Reproduction and Delta Livestock Diagnostics are both located in Jonesboro,
AR. There Brittany resides with her husband Raphael, and her two sons and daughter.

Dan Quadros
Dan was raised in a family of ranchers in Brazil. He has a B.S. in agronomy, a Master
and Ph.D. degrees in animal science from Sao Paulo University. Additionally, he has
another master’s degree in sustainability from Pennsylvania State University and two
post-docs, one at the University of Florida and another at the Texas A&M University,
in forages and livestock nutrition. Professionally, he was a Professor at Bahia State
University in Brazil for 20 years, where he founded the Animal Science Research and
Extension Center, became the Dean of Agronomy and Medicine Veterinary Colleges, and
worked in several large-scale livestock extension programs. Currently he is an Assistant
Professor at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, Department
of Animal Science, as the Small Ruminant Specialist. His goal is to increase producer
knowledge and understanding of small ruminant husbandry/health, production, and marketing.
Facebook: uaex.smallruminants
Instagram: sheep.goats.arkansas

Jeremy Powell
Dr. Jeremy Powell is a veterinarian in the Department of Animal Science within the
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture (UADA). After working in a mixed animal
veterinary practice in Mountain Home, AR, he began working for UADA in December 2002.
He currently has a split appointment between research, teaching and providing clinical
veterinary duties for the UADA IACUC. He teaches one course focused on diseases in
livestock animals, in addition to supervising the beef cattle research unit located
near the Fayetteville campus. His major research efforts focus on beef cattle production
including important disease issues such as bovine respiratory disease and internal
parasites with specific goals for improving health, growth performance, physiological
stress, immune response, and carcass quality.
BS, Animal Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
DVM, Veterinary Medicine, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
PhD, Animal Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Joan Burke
Dr. Joan Burke is a Research Animal Scientist with the USDA, Agricultural Research
Service, Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center in Booneville, Arkansas. She received
a Ph.D. in reproductive biology at Oregon State University, a Master’s in animal science
from the University of Maine and a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University. Dr.
Burke has been with ARS since 1999 where she has conducted research on the control
of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep and goats. Her program focuses on addressing
problems of small and mid-size farmers including: organic and grass-fed production
systems for ruminant livestock, alternatives to synthetic anthelmintics which includes
specialty forages, genetic and genomic selection for parasite resistant animals that
are also great producers, nutrition and products such as copper oxide wire particles.
She was co-recipient of a patent on the use of sericea lespedeza to control parasites
in animals, and her team received the 2016 Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for
Excellence in Technology Transfer, and the 2015 ARS Southeast Area Technology Transfer
Award for the development of technology to aid in the control of internal parasites
in sheep and goats. She works closely with producers conducting research and disseminating
results. She is one of the founding members of the American Consortium for Small Ruminant
Parasite Control, which began in 2001.
Ken Coffey
Ken Coffey is a Professor in the Department of Animal Science and has been at the
U of A since 1996. He and his family run a small wool-sheep (Gulf Coast Natives and
crosses) operation outside of Prairie Grove. His current research interests are focused
around improving production and economic efficiency by animals grazing or otherwise
consuming forages. The goal is to develop grazing and harvesting strategies that
will maximize the use of forage and minimize dependence on off-farm commodities.
PhD degree in 1986 from the University of Missouri – Research emphasis - Ruminant
MS degree in 1983 from the University of Kentucky – Research emphasis - Ruminant Nutrition
BS degree in 1980 from the University of Tennessee – Major, Animal Science

Kenny Simon
Kenny holds a BS degree in Agri Business from AR Tech University and a MS degree in
General Agriculture with an emphasis in Animal Science from UofA at Fayetteville.
Kenny started his Extension career in the fall of 2001 as an Agriculture agent in
Cleburne County, AR. In the fall of 2007, Kenny accepted a position with the Animal
Science department as a Program Associate for forages. Kenny worked as a program associate
under the supervision of Dr. John Jennings for 15 years. In November of 2022 Kenny
was promoted to Instructor – Forage Specialist. Throughout his career Kenny has worked
with county agents to implement on-farm demonstrations. Kenny’s primary responsibilities
is to provide leadership to the “300 days of grazing program”. The 300-day grazing
program is designed to help producers extend the grazing season and reduce hay feeding
to 65 days or less with improved forage management practices. In addition to his professional
career, Kenny and his family operates a cow/calf operation outside of Conway called
Simon Farm. Kenny is able implement practices involved in the 300 days of grazing
program on his own operation, as well as experiment with new ideas or practices. In
2014 Simon Farm began direct marketing farm fresh pasture-raised beef to individuals
and to local restaurants. Currently they direct market 30 – 40 animals per year.

Linda Coffey
Linda was born and raised near Westphalia, Missouri, on a Century Farm where her family
has raised livestock since 1861. Growing up on the farm and helping to raise food
and explore the woods and pastures and creek fostered a love of nature and agriculture
that is still strong. Majoring in Animal Science at the University of Missouri enabled
Linda to meet Dr. Ron Morrow and Dr. Jim Gerrish, and to learn about grazing management
from two of the best. An internship at the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois,
Idaho, was a unique and enjoyable experience and gave Linda a look at how sheep are
raised in the West. Since leaving home, Linda and her husband and children have raised
sheep in Kansas (10 years) and in Arkansas (since 1996). Dairy goats were added in
2001 and remain a passion of Linda’s. Hogs, calves, and chickens are sometimes a part
of the farm, as well. It has been a privilege and blessing to be involved in agriculture
personally and to assist clients with their sheep and goat questions. That work has
been greatly improved by Linda’s participation in the American Consortium for Small
Ruminant Parasite Control (see and the scientists, veterinarians, and
educators in the group who generously share their knowledge of this vital area for
sheep and goat producers. Grazing management and soil health are even more important
areas for those raising livestock, and Linda is passionate about learning and teaching
about those topics as well. Linda is thankful for her NCAT coworkers, who are outstanding,
smart, practical, knowledgeable teachers and are approachable and friendly.
Special thanks to our sponsors and supporters!
