UACES Facebook Farm Shop Safety
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Farm Shop Safety

Generally, repair and maintenance operations are completed in the farm shop. Several of these operations can lead to serious injury. Accordingly, producers should make sure that farm shop safety is a part of the farm safety plan. As an example using the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) can reduce the number and severity of farm work related injuries and illnesses. Therefore, this section will provide some tips that producers need to follow to reduce hazards.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) can reduce the number and severity of farm work related injuries and illnesses. Personal protective equipment not only helps protect people but also improves productivity and profits. Farmers and ranchers can share in these benefits by using the appropriate protective equipment for themselves, family members and employees when the job and its potential hazards call for it.

Personal Protective Equipment

Service and maintenance tasks can often lead to serious injury. The farm shop and the field are the primary locations where repair operations are completed. Make sure your farm shop is part of a farm safety solution, not a problem.

Farm Shop Safety

Tools have always been indispensable helpmates, and a good set of hand tools is essential for any farm shop, machinery or facility repair. Unfortunately, tools also contribute to countless injuries when used incompetently.

Safe Use of Hand Tools

The goal of this fact sheet is to provide producers with tips related to the safe storage and management of their fuel, pesticide, fertilizers on their facilities. The use of the following tips will assist producer in responsible environmental stewardship. Several bullets of the following information are common sense. This checklist should enhance producers awareness of their responsibilities and should help protect them from risk and may be from legal actions. It is advisable that producers add and incorporate their future business operations plan to this list. The well-prepared business and operational plan would lead to better practicality of producers business.

On-Farm Chemical and Fuel Safe Storage

Electrical hazards on the farm can: result in electrical shock to humans or to livestock and possibly result in a fire within structures or in operating equipment. Risks associated with electrical hazards on the farm are increased by the presence of moisture, especially by the dampness that is common in confined livestock areas.

Electrical Hazards on the Farm



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