UACES Facebook Outdoor Farming Safety
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Outdoor Farming Safety

Several citizens like to spend time outside in for fun or work during the summer. Overexposure to the sun can damage the skin and could cause skin cancer. Heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps and heat rash are possible when our skin overexposed to the sun. Additionally, over time, UV ray exposure can lead to cataract development and eyelid skin cancers. Eye injuries are the leading cause of blindness among farmers. This section explores how to protect yourself from overexposure to the sun and how to protect your sight.

Sun and Heat Exposure

During late spring and summer many people like to spend time outside in the sun for fun or work. But overexposure to the sun can damage the skin and could cause skin cancer. Heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps and heat rash are possible when your become overexerted in the heat. Put your health first in order to enjoy the summer.

Sun and Heat Exposure



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