Cooking with Extension Arkansas Fresh Series: Tomatoes
At Home with UAEX
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Cooking with Extension Arkansas Fresh Series: Tomatoes
by Original Author: JoAnn Vann, Clark County | Adapted for Blog: Olivia Green, Randolph
Arkansas tomatoes are available from May to October!
- Choose tomatoes that are firm and plump. Avoid those that are very soft, bruised, cracked or otherwise damaged.
- Ripe tomatoes are completely red or reddish-orange (depending on the variety) and give slightly to gentle palm pressure.
- Mature- green tomatoes have quality similar to vine-ripened, if given proper conditions to ripen.
How to prepare fresh tomatoes
- Fresh tomatoes can be served uncooked in salads or stewed, baked, broiled, grilled or microwaved.
- When peeling ripe tomatoes, drop in boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds, then dip into cold water. The skins will slide off.
- When freezing tomatoes, the skins should be removed because they become tough.
- When canning, only use firm and ripe tomatoes. Overripe, soft tomatoes or tomatoes picked from front- or disease-killed plants have less acid and may be unsafe to can.

- 6 medium-ripe tomatoes
- 4 ounces fresh mozzarella cheese
- 6 large basil leaves
- 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon balsamic or red wine vinegar
- salt and pepper to taste
For more information, contact your local Family and Consumer Science Agent at your County Extension Office.
- Cut tomatoes and mozzarella into bite-sized pieces.
- Stack basil leaves and roll into a cylinder. Cut into thin ribbons with kitchen shears or sharp knife. Sprinkle ribbons over the salad.
- Whisk together olive oil and vinegar. Drizzle dressing over the salad and sprinkle with salt and fresh ground pepper.
- Serve immediately.
For more information, contact you local Family and Consumer Science Agent at your County Extension Office.
Serves 6.
Calories: 112 Fat: 8 g Saturated Fat: 3 g Protein: 6 g Carbohydrates: 6 g Fiber: 1 g Cholesterol: 12 mg Sodium: 124 mg
For more information, contact your local Family and Consumer Science Agent at your County Extension Office.
For more information, contact your local Family and Consumer Science Agent at your County Extension Office.