Wet Wood/Slime Flux
(October 2008)
I have a sugar maple, ‘Autumn Blaze’ about five years old in my front yard facing
the south. It is at least 10 to 15 feet tall. I recently noticed an area close to
the bottom of the tree about 7 or 8 inches from the ground that is bleeding a black
substance. Is this usual or should I be concerned?
One of two things can be happening. Maples are notorious for “bleeding” sap from
any wound. If something wounded the tree such as a weed eater or lawn mower, this
could simply be the case and is nothing to worry about. The other scenario could
be wetwood or slime flux, which is caused by a bacteria. Gasses and liquid by-products
of the bacteria cause the internal pressure of the sap to increase, forcing the liquid
to ooze out any opening along the tree. It tends to have a sour or fermented smell
to it and is quite attractive to insects. It can be dark in color or white and foamy.
While it doesn’t signal imminent death, it does tell you the tree is stressed. Keep
the tree as healthy as possible with regular watering. Try to use your garden hose
to remove the sap from the trunk of the tree as the fermented sap can be damaging
to the trunk of your tree if left there. This problem is usually more common during
spring and summer.
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