UACES Facebook Wilt
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(November 2011)

QuestionI have a twelve year old Henryi clematis that was diagnosed this past summer with Clematis Wilt.  They recommended that I cut it all the way back to the ground and said that it would possibly come back in the fall.  It did and looked healthy for about a month and even sent out one new blossom.  However, now the leaves are starting to brown on the edges just like it did during the summer. I suspect that the browning is the "wilt".   Your thoughts would be appreciated.


AnswerI would be very surprised if clematis wilt were showing itself again this late in the season. I would suspect it is natural leaf drop for the winter.  Clematis wilt is tricky.  It tends to be worse on large flowered forms and in heavier soils.  Sometimes transplanting it to a new location and planting it high can help.  In some varieties, this disease occurs annually killing it to the soil line for several years, and then the plant seems to outgrow it and you never get it again.  I am surprised it just hit yours since it is 12 years old and I am assuming in the same location. Good luck.


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