(November 2005)
The ivy in my yard is starting to die. Not in one spot but all over the yard. I have
had other people in Dumas state they have experienced the same problem. What do you
think is the problem?
Ivy was one of those die-hard plants that were rarely plagued with anything, but the
past few years we have seen some diseases and insects on it. One of the main ones
seems to appear in heavier soils with some drainage issues--hard to believe it could
be happening this season, unless you really watered. Investigate a little. Do you
see any spots on the leaves? If you dig up one of the plants that are dying, are the
roots white and full, or small, dark and slimy to the touch? Do you see anything on
the stems or backs of the leaves? You can take a sample in to your local extension
office and they can send it to our plant clinic. You have to first pinpoint if it
is disease or insect before we can recommend a spray program.
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