(April 2010)
I have tried and failed numerous times over the years to get either Zoysia or St.
Augustine sod to grow on the north side of my home (in the alley between our home
and the house next door). My wife and I have decided to consider a ground cover of
some type in lieu of grass. Could you possibly point us in the direction of some appropriate
types of ground cover for this area which has little, if any, sunshine, year round?
Several choices come to mind, including moss as mentioned in earlier columns. If you
want a grass look-alike there is Mondo grass (Ophiopogon) and Liriope or monkey grass--if there are strong borders limiting growth you can
use Liriope spicata--the running form, but it can be invasive; the clumping form is Liriope muscarii. Other options include Ajuga, pachysandra, and Creeping Jenny- Lysimachia nummularia--I really like the golden form. Mazus, pratia and ardesia are other choices.
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