(Dec. 2009)
We have quite a few herbs still growing in our garden now. What you can do with chives
at this time of year? What about sage, rosemary and thyme? I even have some basil
that is still producing. Can you dry them or is it better to freeze them?
Chives, sage, rosemary, and thyme are perennial herbs, while basil is an annual. Harvest
all of the basil prior to a killing frost and use it fresh, dried or you can put it
into an ice cube tray, cover with water and freeze the leaves inside to add to soups,
stews and sauces. Depending on where you live in the state, chives can stay green
in the winter or die back. If yours die back, then cutting them prior to a freeze
is advisable. Again, fresh, dried or frozen will work. For thyme, sage and rosemary,
harvest as needed throughout the winter, just don’t get carried away and cut too much,
as they won’t be putting on much new growth during the winter months. Tip: Rosemary
is being sold now for the holidays in topiary tree and wreath forms. Leave these plants
outdoors, as they die quickly inside. If the temperatures are predicted to get extremely
low—below 25 degrees, you may want to move these potted rosemary plants into a garage
or storage building temporarily. While rosemary is quite hardy through most of the
state, container plants are less so, because of limited roots, plus the soil in the
containers gets colder than soil in the ground.
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