(April 2010)
I would like to try a hardy oleanders in Hot Springs Village. I have heard of Hines
Hardy. Is there one you would recommend? Does the Confederate rose grow here? Will
trailing Thyme do around stepping stones? I need something that stays alive all winter.
Prior to this winter, even the common oleander varieties were overwintering in central
Arkansas without any damage. This winter some did take a hit, but they should be coming
back from the root system even if they were frozen back. Confederate rose (Hibiscus mutabilis) is winter hardy from central Arkansas south--it dies completely to the ground each
year and is slow to recover in the spring, but it will come back. Creeping thyme is
a wonderful ground cover around rocky sites. It doesn't like rich, wet areas, so should
do well around stepping stones and you get the added benefit of it being culinary
as well as ornamental. There are actually several varieties of thyme with green, yellow
or variegated foliage.
(Feb. 2009)
We moved from Ireland to Rogers, Arkansas a couple of months ago and we purchased
a lovely family home with a large back yard. The backyard is currently lawn, with
a couple of medium sized trees and a few beds set away from the grass with low stone
walls around the house. I used to be an active gardener back in Ireland, but I am
new to this area and don't know what grows well here and when one starts planting.
Once spring starts here I would love to do some gardening in those beds. I am interested
in planting some herbs and maybe some berries as I love raspberries and blackberries
especially, but they are so expensive to buy in the shops. I won't be able to spend
very much time gardening though, as I have one year old twins and they are a handful!
Can you suggest some herbs and fruit plants for our new home?
Herbs are very easy to grow, and you can do a variety of both annuals and perennials.
For dry, sunny areas consider the perennial rosemary and thyme. Oregano, fennel, garlic
and sage are also very easy to grow. Cilantro is best grown in the fall as a winter
annual. Parsely is a biennial and does well for a couple of years. Basil and dill
are both summer annuals and thrive in Arkansas summers with a little bit of water.
Blackberries and blueberries are both easy to grow and require little care, other
than occasional pruning and water. Raspberries are a tad trickier, but they can be
grown. As you have time, you might consider joining the Benton County Master Gardeners.
They have a very active group of gardeners in your area. You will learn a lot and
get to know fellow gardeners in your community.
(March 2005)
Some of your readers have asked about plants for planting between stones in their
walk, let us suggest what we did. We planted thyme between the stones. It thrives
beautifully, grows out somewhat over the edges of the stones, and immediately gives
off a very beautiful and pungent scent of thyme when the leaves are walked upon. It
totally recovers from any trauma of walking in just hours, and is then quickly ready
for a repeat performance In addition, when we need fresh thyme for cooking, we just
pinch some off some between the stones. No matter how much one pinches off, it seems
to recover in virtually no time.
Thyme and stepping stones is a great idea where it is dry and sunny. Thyme is not
very happy in wet spots or heavy shade. There are numerous varieties with both green,
gray and yellow leaves. Thanks for the suggestion
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