Christmas Cactus
June 1, 2017
I have an old Christmas cactus that has flowers opening on it now. It normally blooms
in the winter time. What do you think caused the blooms now, and should I just pinch
them off?
Enjoy the off-season blossoms. Holiday cactus plants typically set their flower buds
in relationship to short days and long nights, but more importantly is the temperature.
They need to be exposed to temperatures between 50 and 60 degrees for a few weeks
to initiate flower buds. The low temperatures we had in late march could have been
enough to trigger some buds. This shouldn’t hurt your prospects for flowers next
winter, so enjoy it as long as it lasts. .
(September 2010)
Can you tell me how to revive a Christmas cactus that has been neglected and shriveled
up? I have tried soaking it in water, but nothing seems to help.
It may be time to buy a new cactus. Even cactus can get so dry that they can't come
back. If it is totally dried up, toss it and buy a new one.
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