Insecticidal Soap
(May 2008)
Each year I have tiny, black pests on the leaves of vegetables in my garden. They
cause damage to my plants and are difficult and expensive to try to control. They
are so tiny, they are almost invisible to the naked eye. You almost need a magnifying
glass. I can only see them if I cut off some leaves and shake the leaves on a piece
of white paper. Then I can see the tiny black dots move around. What are they and
how do I control them?
The most common insect in the garden is aphids. They can range in color from black,
red, green or yellow. They are small and tend to congregate near new growth or in
the joints of leaves. Flea beetles are also small, but tend to jump with vigor when
disturbed. Spider mites are really tiny but tend to be reddish in color. If aphids
are the culprit, they can be controlled with a strong spray of water, insecticidal
soap or Malathion. Be sure to follow label directions as to timing and harvesting.
For a definitive diagnosis of the insect, take some into your local county extension
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