White Flies
(May 2009)
I have three beautiful gardenias in my yard. They bloom wonderfully every year, but
my only problem seems to be white flies. I used the Bayer insecticide that you put
into the root system and Malathion, but I still have a problem. Do you have any other
Imidacloprid (Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub Insecticide) does do a pretty good job,
but the results will not be instantaneous. The plants have to absorb the chemical.
Occasionally a second application applied midsummer is needed for all season control.
Other options include: Resmethrin, Permethrin, Talstar, and Mavrik are other options.
(June 2005)
I have recently planted three gardenias on the front of my house. These plants receive
the morning sun and afternoon shade. My question is what makes the pretty green leaves
turn yellow and fall off? Please help me with this problem . I am trying to make a
hedge with the gardenias.
Several things can cause yellowing of gardenia foliage. Some are nutritional, or soil
related, and the other can be insects. If the pH is too high, they can suffer from
iron chlorosis. This condition usually causes yellow foliage, with green veins in
the leaves. Although our soils are often acidic, occasionally liming or other conditions
can cause a more alkaline condition. If they are planted next to a new foundation
or new sidewalk, often the lime can leach out of the concrete causing a rise in pH.
A soil sample can determine the pH and help you lower the pH. Another nutritional
problem can be a lack of nitrogen, which can cause yellowing of the foliage. Poor
drainage can also give rise to a weak and a more yellow plant. Another, and often
more common problem is an insect called whitefly. Adult whiteflies often fly when
the plant is disturbed, giving an almost dandruff like scattering of white. The larval
and egg stages congregate on the underside of the foliage. These insects suck sap
out of the foliage, and can cause yellowing and even a distortion of the leaves. Heavy
infestations often give rise to a black coating on the leaves, caused by black sooty
mold which builds up on the sweet honeydew given off by the insects. Whitefly is not
easy to control. Systemic insecticides applied early in the season can give you some
control now, or you can use Resmethrin. Other products are also available. But before
you start spraying, try to determine the cause of your problem. Your county extension
office is a great place to start.
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