General Info
March 3, 2018
I have an asparagus bed in my yard that has been there for about 45 years. I harvest asparagus from it every year, getting enough for a few "messes" each season. Grass grows up in it and I can usually keep it under control, cleaning it out late winter before the new asparagus shoots come up, but this time the grass in the bed is huge! And there is so much of it. My question is, would it be safe to just burn the old grass before the new crop of asparagus starts coming up? Also, does the new growth come from the roots of the previous year's growth? Or does it come up from seeds dropped from the previous year's growth? Just wondering mainly if I can safely burn the grass in the bed -- safe for the asparagus, that it. (Will be most vigilant and careful when/if I do burn, of course.)
Controlled burning is used to control many grasses and weeds in appropriate places, and in a place where burning is allowed (not is city limits here). However, I think you are getting a bit late in the season to consider it. These mild days are going to have asparagus popping out of the ground any day. Even with careful attention the heat that is generated could damage the spears close to the soil surface. Asparagus is a perennial plant which comes back from the crowns and roots each year. If seeds are left to form, there can be some seedlings emerging but the true harvest comes from the crowns.
August 12, 2017
Please see the attached picture. It shows part of the front yard of a rental property
I own. There is a lovely tulip poplar tree on the north side of the property, but
all of the grass under it has died. I've tried Bermuda and St. Augustine, but with
no luck. What can survive under the shade of the tree? I'd prefer grass, even if
it doesn't match the rest of the grass in the yard, but I'll even settle for some
type of ground cover if necessary. Do you have any good suggestions?
Grass and shade do not mix. To add insult to injury, your tulip poplar tree is going to grow taller and taller and provide even more shade. If you want it to look like grass, plant the groundcover Mondo grass (ophiopogon) or a little bit taller monkey grass (Liriope). There are other groundcovers as well, but these would be the most grass-like.
June 17, 2017
Summer is heating up and so is my frustration with people and their need to water.
My neighbor, after more than 20 inches of rain, was watering her grass after mowing.
I asked her, "why?" She said because she was watering in the fertilizer that was on
the cut grass. I thought, maybe, in an article, you could explain that all she was
doing was watering her grass. I could have explained that the cut grass would decompose
and the nutrients from past fertilizations would then go into the soil. I have 5000
sq. ft. of lawn and never, ever water all summer. If a person has a healthy root system,
they don't need to water. But, why am I telling you this. You already know. Water
is a precious resource. People all over the world are dying because they do not have
clean water.
There are definitely people who overwater, and some who don’t water enough. If you have a well-established Bermuda grass lawn with great soil, then you can get by without watering even in a dry summer. In my first house, we had great soil, lived on a level lot and I rarely watered. The yard I have now is on a slope with a ton of rocks. While I amend the beds, there is still a need for me to water my vegetables and flowers with regularity. I don’t water my zoysia that often, as lawns are typically more tolerant. Recycling yard waste is also recycling nutrition. Many people over-fertilize their lawns too. I think it all comes down to what you are growing, spacing of plants, soil type, amount of sunlight and age of plants. My pet peeve is sprinklers going off in pouring rain. We all need to be conscious of how much water we are using and making sure we use it properly to conserve what we have.
April 8, 2017
My lawn has been treated with pre-and post-emergent herbicides. There are bare spots
that need to be over-seeded. If I break up the surface before planting will the
grass seed germinate.
Pre-emergent herbicides prevent weed seeds from germinating, and often don't differentiate from grass seed. I would try spot sodding and avoid herbicides while it is establishing.
April 2, 2016
Thank you for your efforts in fighting Crepe Murder and volcano mulching--both noble causes. I'm also concerned about the low cutting heights used for the lawns in MacArthur Park. Is there any reason why they cut the grass so low? It would seem that a greater depth would allow for more water retention and soil development. And it would reduce mowing costs. As it is right now, the lawns are showing lots of clay.
For years people felt the need to scalp their lawns in the spring to get rid of winter weeds and dead growth to encourage new growth. Scalping is not good for the lawn. Mowing at a slightly lower setting for the first mowing to remove debris is ok, but low mowing (cutting back to 1-1 ½ inches) and scalping where you can see bare ground are quite different. After the first mowing, keeping the lawn mown to a height of 2-3 inches can give you a stronger root system, and help to shade the soil. When we have thin turf, we have more weed competition, and you will need to mow and water more often.
February 6, 2016
I have never seen this addressed so I'm seeking information on the subject of pre-emergent herbicides. How is it used and where is it available?
Pre-emergent herbicides are weed preventers. They should help suppress annual weeds from germinating. Since we have two seasons of weeds—winter weeds and summer weeds, they can be applied in the fall to prevent winter weeds from germinating and then in late winter/early spring to prevent the summer weeds from germinating. Again, they only work for annual weeds, not perennial weeds like nutgrass, dandelions, etc. An annual is a plant that germinates, grows, sets seeds and dies in one season. Pre-emergent herbicides are often sold at nurseries and garden centers in the fall and early winter. I only recommend them for use in well-established lawns. While there are some formulations for flower beds and vegetable gardens, I want some of my plants to reseed themselves, so I don’t use any herbicides in these gardens—just a good hoe and mulch. For lawns, they often sell what is known as a weed and feed. Right now if you are using it, you would be fertilizing winter weeds, since the lawn is still dormant. I prefer using a stand-alone pre-emergent, not one mixed with fertilizer.
October 24, 2015
We have a beautiful giant red oak tree in the front yard. Unfortunately, the ground
around it is almost bare. Do you know of any kind of grass that will grow in the
shade of this tree? My husband prefers to purchase blocks of sod grass from a sod
farm because he has had success with these in another area of our yard; however, we
could seed the shaded patch. We will appreciate your help very much.
Shade is a wonderful commodity in an Arkansas summer, but it doesn’t bode well for
lawn grasses. The most shade tolerant lawn in central Arkansas is St. Augustine or
Centipede and they need some filtered light. They are not typically as winter hardy
in NW Arkansas. Tall fescue is the best option up there, but again, they are a struggle
to grow in the shade. I would give up trying to fight it and put in a groundcover
or simply mulch the area. For groundcover options consider mondo grass which can
look like grass, or sweet flag (Acorus species) another grass look alike, or ajuga.
There are numerous evergreen groundcovers that can blanket the area although don’t
tolerate high traffic. Stepping stones or a path put in the middle can help you have
a path.
September 19, 2015

Grass does not grow in the shade. You have several options. You can mulch the yard
to make it more attractive, or put in groundcover. There are numerous options, including
Asiatic jasmine, ajuga, Mondo grass and monkey grass (liriope). You could also establish
a moss garden, which you can walk on and is a nice green cover in the shade. You
could create a combination, with pathways of mulch and beds of groundcovers or shade
loving perennials and shrubs. You just can’t grow a typical lawn in the shade, but
it doesn’t mean you have to have dirt and dust.
(September 2012)
I have just had much of my yard tilled up (to loosen the soil) and had Bermuda sod
laid to replace the areas that did not make it during the drought/summer. Planting
sod in September seemed to me was the right time of year. Was I right? Should I broadcast
any fertilizer on the sod or just omit the fertilizer?
Sodding is something that can be done year-round, as long as you are willing to water.
I usually don’t recommend any fertilizer on warm season grasses past mid September.
We don’t want to encourage a lot of rapid new top growth heading into winter. The
key is to keep it watered to develop a root system and fertilize next spring after
the lawn has totally greened up.
(June 2012)
We used a pre-emergent herbicide on our lawn this year and it did not stop the progress
of the weed called crabgrass. Is there something I can do to rid my yard of this grass?
The standard herbicide for crabgrass control for years was MSMA and it is no longer
on the market. We now have products that contain quinclorac for control. However most
homeowner products are combined with another herbicide –many have 2,4-D (a broadleaf
weed killer) which could burn warm season grasses when applied during the hot summer
months –trade names include Weed-B-Gone Max, Weed Stop plus Crabgrass Killer and All
in One Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer. Some products are combined with sulfentrazone—a
sedge killer; trade names include Image Kills Crabgrass or Sedge and Grass Killer.
Make sure if you are applying herbicides that you read the label beforehand. Follow
recommended rates and read if there are any temperature restrictions and that it is
safe for the type of lawn you are growing. Many herbicides are not recommended for
use on St. Augustine or Centipede lawns. Also, make sure that the lawn has ample moisture
before applying chemicals or fertilizers or you could damage the lawn. Don’t spray
on a windy day and don’t treat the entire yard if you just have a patch here and there—spot
spraying would be much safer.
(May 2012)
I'm hoping you can help me with a problem we are having with our grass! We live out
in the country in the middle of a field. We have always had several varieties of different
grasses in our "yard". However, this year, what grass we have seems to have been taken
over by stickers! The "grass" which is now mostly stickers is all brown and crunchy.
We have lots of little white blooms of some kind (I'm assuming they are the seeds
of the sticker "grass") all over our yard. Can you offer any advice as to what we
can do to kill these things and save our grass? We can't even walk the dog without
him getting them stuck in his paws!! Where could they have come from? Our yard is
about an acre in size.
Weeds of all kinds seem to be more prolific this year. The weed that produces the
tiny sticker is called spurweed. I doubt you still have any blooms on it, because
they were out most of the winter and are dying now. The sticker is the seed of the
plant. Spurweed germinates in the fall, producing a ground-hugging plant with small
parsley-like leaves. It does have a tiny white flower and then the seeds are produced
which have stickers. It is a winter annual which dies back in the spring/early summer.
The seeds will germinate in the fall and start all over again. A few this year, become
a lot more each subsequent year if you don’t do something. For now, fertilize the
grass (and water when dry) to get it high enough to buffer the seeds/stickers, so
you and the dogs can walk. Next fall, either use a pre-emergent herbicide, or spray
with a post-emergent herbicide with 2,4-D in it between December and February to kill
the weeds before they set more seeds next spring.
We are having a problem with dead patches in our lawn. We have had a lawn service
for 3 years who fertilize every 4 months and apply weed pre-emergence once a year.
I understand dead patches from weed killer, but it keeps getting worse. My husband
attached a grass catcher to our mower, this being the 3rd summer. My question is whether
the weed pre-emergence or the grass catcher could be causing the problem or even both
of them. I have heard that grass clippings should be left on the ground - also, that
the clippings should be raked up.......I hope you can help with my thoughts & concerns.
Dead patches in lawns can be caused by a number of things, from over-application of
fertilizers and herbicides, to insects and diseases, and in cold winters, winter damage.
Shade is also a factor in how well a lawn grows—grass does not do well in the shade.
The type of lawn grass you are growing can also impact how much traffic it can take
and how much fertilization it needs. I like to recycle lawn clippings. As long as
you are mowing frequently, and not removing more than one third of the lawn grass
at a time, you shouldn’t have to bag your grass clippings. The grass clippings can
actually add nutrition back to the soil. If the grass gets tall in between mowing
leaving behind heavy accumulations of wet grass, then bag or rake, since the clumps
of dead grass could damage your lawn, and they are unsightly. Fertilizing every 4
months is a bit odd for a fertilization program. Normally we recommend waiting until
the lawn is totally green and then fertilizing. If you grow St. Augustine or Zoysia,
you could get by with one application of fertilizer per year, or you could apply one
more application midsummer or late summer depending on the amount of moisture we have
and how hot it is. Bermuda grass will tolerate fertilizer every month from May through
August, but you will mow like crazy, so you may want to only fertilize twice a year.
Take a sample of your dying grass to your local county extension office to see if
they can determine the cause.
(March 2012)
Things to do in the garden in the month of March.
Things to do in the garden this month: Plant a vegetable garden. Prune roses, crape
myrtles, butterfly bushes (if you haven''t already done so.) Don''t worry if they
are already growing. Many plants have started growing early this year. Cut back ornamental
grasses, including monkey grass or liriope. Check to see how tall the new growth is
before you cut. Fertilize spring flowering bulbs and winter annuals. Pay attention
to the weather, and keep extra mulch on hand for a cold snap. If your summer and fall
blooming perennials are too crowded, divide them as they emerge. Mow your lawn to
keep winter weeds from blooming and setting seeds. Weed your flower beds with a sharp
hoe. Put down a fresh layer of mulch in your gardens.
On common Bermuda grass, what do you recommend to fertilize this time of the year?
The best time to fertilize Bermuda grass is after it is fully green and growing--no
sooner than mid April. Fertilizing it now, will just make your weeds grow faster.
(Oct. 2010)
Our yard was sodded with Zoysia this year. The yard was somewhat shaded, so we had
the trees trimmed up 10-12 feet so sun could shine through. We have had no rain but
we do have a sprinkler system and do water every other day, however the sod is dying.
I guess we will have to re-sod next spring. What do you suggest for a yard that has
3 large oak trees in it-- Zoysia, St. Augustine or what? The yard before the drought
was green.
It has been a tough season for gardening and continues to be dry. How much are you
watering every other day? For newly laid sod we normally water a little bit every
day to establish roots, then start increasing the amount of water but applying it
less frequently. I suppose it is possible the grass is going dormant early, but you
will have to gauge how well it comes back next spring before deciding to re-sod. St.
Augustine is probably the most shade tolerant of the warm season grasses, followed
by centipede and Zoysia.
(September 2007)
Why is our grass only green on top? There is no green what-so-ever further down the
stalk. We have had this problem all year.
You are probably mowing your lawn at too high a setting, or letting it grow too much
between mowings. If you mow high, every time you mow, you remove the only portion
of the lawn that had direct sunlight—and thus green leaves. The top part of the grass
is actually shading the bottom. The term for this is sheathing. It takes a day or
two for the unexposed lawn to re-green after cutting. For next season, try mowing
your lawn at a lower setting or mowing more often, so that you don't remove more than
one third of the leaf blade at a time. Some lawn grasses are more susceptible to this
problem, with hybrid Bermuda being one of the most susceptible.
(September 2006)
I saw this devise in a recent publication. I will try to explain; it was a metal plate
with spikes, which you slipped on your shoes to aerate the lawn. Do you know where
I can find this or point me in the right direction?
They are available from many garden catalogs, however, I don't think they are very
effective. If your lawn is truly compacted, punching holes in it with spikes will
not alleviate the compaction; in effect, it can make it worse. To truly make a difference,
core aeration is best, where you actually remove plugs of soil. You can rent these
machines from any rental place. They look somewhat like a lawn mower and you simply
walk the yard, and it pulls out plugs of soil.
(September 2006)
We are confused. We thought our zoysia grass should be left longer as winter approached.
However, we had an article recently in our local newspapers home improvement section
that espoused that grass should be short, without scalping, at this time. Please enlighten
You are correct, the article is wrong. It is possible the article was a wire service
story and was dealing with cool season grasses, which are beginning their growing
season. For those of us in the south with warm season lawns, we start mowing low in
the spring to get rid of the dead over-wintered tops of the lawn. As fall and winter
approaches, we gradually raise the height of the lawn to increase root production,
and thus winter hardiness. Low mowing or scalping now would expose the lawn to potential
winter damage.
(November 2005)
What can I do for my lawn grass at this time of year? The drought we had this summer
in SW Arkansas ruined what grass I had left. Ten years ago I had a great St. Augustine
grass lawn and now most of it has died. Over the years the ice storms and heat have
taken its toll. Can you help me?
This is probably not the ideal time to begin a new lawn. The key to growing grass
in Arkansas is at least some sunlight and water. St. Augustine is a good lawn for
south Arkansas, but it does need water. If you can't irrigate at all, you may run
into problems having a great lawn. If you have full sun, Bermuda grass is probably
the toughest, and the most drought resistant. Sodding or seeding can be done. Seeding
should be from April through early June, while sodding can be done year-round. It
will not grow in the shade. Zoysia is another option if you have a bit more shade,
but it would need some irrigation to survive.
(December 2005)
We have a centipede lawn established from sod 5 years ago which has done very well.
We have an irrigations system and wonder what the water requirements are for the dormant
season. We have had a very dry summer and fall. Do we need to water on a regular basis
so long as weather conditions remain dry, or can we cease watering in the dormant
It has been extremely dry in the majority of the state. Watering is a good thing to
continue-just not as frequently. If we go two to three weeks without water, do irrigate
if you can. Most folks drain their sprinkler systems for the winter, so it may mean
bringing out the hoses, but it can be helpful. Lawns are probably not as needy as
shrubs. Pay particular attention to plants prior to a really hard freeze. If there
is not ample soil moisture, there won't be anything in the plants to protect them
from a freeze. This can lead to dried out dead tissue. Pick a mild day and give your
plants a drink, even in the dead of winter. Dry winters lead to more winter damage.
Container plants are even needier, even in wetter winters.
I know you said to put a pre-emerge herbicide on at this time of year for the stickers
that look like carrot tops but I don't remember what kind to get.
Since many winter weeds are already germinating, you may simply want to wait until
January or early February and apply a post-emergent herbicide containing 2,4-D. This
should kill most broadleaf weeds, including the spurweed --the sticker weed. The key
is to control these winter weeds while they are young.
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