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June 16, 2018


We are plagued by mushrooms around an old Hackberry tree stump. They spring up overnight about every two weeks. They smell and attract insects, plus the black slime discolors flowerpots, etc. We've tried vinegar, salt, spraying, nothing seems to work. They die and dry up after a few days then they are back again. Any suggestions?


 AnswerYou are probably going to have this problem for the next year or two. You have a lot of decaying roots and organic matter from that hackberry tree you removed, which the mushrooms are feeding on.  With ample moisture the spores sprout and the mushrooms appear.  I get quite a few different mushrooms in my compost. As I see them, I put on gloves and remove them and dispose of them. Over time, they will wear out.  Hot, dry conditions are also not as favorable to mushroom growth. Some people recommend fungicides, but I haven’t seen much effectiveness with them.  Probably not the news you wanted, but short of digging up the stump and all the surrounding roots, there isn’t much more you can do.


November 26, 2016

QuestionHow do we get rid of these huge mushrooms in our yard?  I am growing mostly Zoysia grass and it gets plenty of sunlight, even though it is under a popcorn tree.

AnswerYou must be watering or you would not have mushrooms. Mushrooms are growing from decaying organic matter and spores in the soil.  When they receive ample moisture, they grow. They are not harming anything and actually helping in the decaying process.  You can simply knock them down as soon as you see them.  Once the decomposition is completed, you won’t see as many mushrooms. 


January 16, 2016

QuestionI live in west Little Rock in a patio home community.  This appeared in my azalea bed this year.  It begins with a cluster of
mushroom looking things at the base of the azaleas with white spreading roots and the soil turns white an inch or so down.  What is it and how do I get rid of this disgusting thing?  Thank you for any help you can provide?



 The recent rains and milder weather in December spurred on many types of mushrooms.  The one you have is a bit obnoxious in that it smells to high heavens—thus its common name stinkhorn mushroom. They grow in damp wood mulch and once mature, they emit a foul smelling green slime (which yours have) that attracts flies and beetles to the area to transmit the spores to other areas, so total eradication is close to impossible.   Knock them down and dispose of them as soon as you spot them or smell them, and aerate the soil and it should help.  The sooner they are gone, the less chance the flies can get in there and repopulate them.



November 14, 2015


I noticed a 3 - 4" reddish orange, horn shaped growth in my flower bed and it has an unusual odor.  A day or two later I noticed it was on the ground and there was a hole near the ground line.  Eventually several more horns came up.  I did notice with the last horn there were small, white, round mushroom-looking growths in the ground at the base of the horn.  I live in Maumelle and have for six years but have never seen these horns in my garden before.  I wonder if all of the rain might have something to do with the horns.  Have you ever heard or seen anything that might resemble what I described?  I appreciate your time


AnswerYou are experiencing one of the stinkhorn mushrooms—there are other less polite common names for this mushroom as well.  Regardless of what you call it, they do have an intense noxious odor. They grow in damp wood mulch and once mature, they emit a green slime that attracts flies and beetles to the area to help propagate them. After our recent rains, we have had quite a few mushrooms pop up, some more pleasant than others.  Knock them down as soon as you spot them and aerate the soil and it should help.   

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