Butterfly Attraction
August 2010
I have a large group of very tall plants that resemble marigolds, but are not. They
have grown up to 4 feet tall and continue to bloom and the butterflies love them.
This yard was planted by the previous owner and it continues to boggle my mind, something
new every day. I just do not know what they are and where they came from. The bloom
is similar to a marigold, but flatter and not as full.
As to your tall yellow flowers, if you can send a picture I can identify for sure,
but my guess is sawtooth sunflowers or one of the other helianthus. They can grow
quite tall and bloom from late summer well into fall with clusters of yellow flowers.
Butterflies love them, but they can be a bit overwhelming in the garden. They also
freely reseed themselves. Another possibility with orange flowers is Tithonia or Mexican
sunflower. It blooms all summer with lovely orange daisy like blossoms and again,
attracts butterflies.
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