December 2012
This year we planted our garden as usual. Most years we have average size tomato plants
that produce a few small tomatoes. This year we have the biggest plants we have ever
seen with hundreds of tomatoes that are still growing this late in the season. We
have no idea what type we bought but we would like to get them again next year. What
type of tomato plants would you suggest to get these same results next season?
There are a lot of options when it comes to tomatoes. There are two basic types—determinate
and indeterminate. Determinate types are like the patio or bush tomatoes—the plants
are smaller, have a stronger stem and tend to produce all their tomatoes at one time
and that is pretty much it for the season. This year you for sure bought an indeterminate—they
continue to grow and produce as long as there is a growing season. They have a weaker
main stem and require staking. My personal favorite is the Traveler tomato. Other
indeterminate include Better Boy, Brandywine, Bradley, and Early Girl. One of the
more popular varieties in the trade is Celebrity and it is a determinate variety.
There are plenty of great tomato varieties out there, but you definitely want an indeterminate
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