July 2008
I have 12 Stella De Oro daylily plants in my front yard garden. When we first moved
into our home in September of 2006, the builder planted most of the daylilies towards
the front of my garden. The plants have really grown and produced lots of beautiful
flowers this year, but the location of the plants covers some of the other shrubs
and flowers in my garden. I would like to relocate some of the plants to the back
of my front garden and maybe even divide some and place them in the backyard. When
is the best time to relocate and divide these plants?
Daylilies are tough plants and would probably survive a move at any time, however,
the best time to dig and divide would be in the fall as they are going dormant or
in the spring as they are emerging. Moving them now would be tough on you and the
plant. If you can, wait until fall.
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