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February 1, 2016

QuestionWe have a lot of plants planted in the corner of our yard and the utility company needs to come in and do some new pipes.   I will have to move a 10 foot southern magnolia, a crape myrtle trees, along with numerous perennials. When should I transplant these?   I am not sure when they will be doing the work, so I may have some lead time to plan.


AnswerWe are in prime transplanting season for your trees.  With the perennials, you may or may not know where they are until they begin emerging.  If you plan to replant them back in the corner after the work is done, you can heal them in a shady area in the yard—mounding soil over the root system until you can replant. If you are permanently replanting, dig and replant immediately. While they are dormant, there is less stress to the plants.  


December 2012

QuestionI have a tree that I planted as a dogwood this March, and in spite of continued watering it had withered leaves all summer. I had given it up for dead but now it has sprouted all these red berries - wasn't aware that dogwoods produced berries. Does it look dead to you?


AnswerIt is definitely a dogwood, and the red berries are the fruits that came from the flowers it bore this spring. The plant is definitely scorched, which could be from stress because it was newly planted and we had a horrid summer, but it also could be sunburn if it was planted in direct sunlight. Dogwoods do best in filtered sunlight or afternoon shade. The tree is not dead, but it isn’t happy. I see new leaf buds already set for next spring. For now, just be patient and see how well it leafs out next spring. If you think it is in the wrong location, you could transplant it now.

November 2012

QuestionI have three Japanese maple seedlings that I planted in pots in June. They have done well but when do I need to transplant them in the yard and how should I winter them. They are from 12" to 24" tall now.


AnswerJapanese maples are fairly winter hardy. You have two options. If you know where you want them to be planted, plant them now in their permanent location. If you want them to grow a little more before you plant them in the yard, then sink the pots in the ground, up next to the house. This will protect their roots better than being left above ground in a pot and will help prevent them from drying out too quickly.

November 2012

QuestionI have three Japanese maple seedlings that I planted in pots in June. They have done well but when do I need to transplant them in the yard and how should I winter them. They are from 12" to 24" tall now.


AnswerJapanese maples are fairly winter hardy. You have two options. If you know where you want them to be planted, plant them now in their permanent location. If you want them to grow a little more before you plant them in the yard, then sink the pots in the ground, up next to the house. This will protect their roots better than being left above ground in a pot and will help prevent them from drying out too quickly.

January 2012

QuestionIs now a good time to move 6 foot tall crape myrtles? We live in Little Rock.


AnswerI would hold off until the end of February if you can. That is when you can prune them and move them all at the same time. If you absolutely have to move them now, that is ok, but they would be less winter hardy without an intact root system. Make sure they are well mulched and watered if it is dry.

November 2011

QuestionRecently, we purchased a home with a dogwood tree that we would like to transplant to another area in the yard. It looks to be about 5 years old. When would be the best time to transplant this tree?


AnswerRecently, we purchased a home with a dogwood tree that we would like to transplant to another area in the yard. It looks to be about 5 years old. When would be the best time to transplant this tree?

August 2010

QuestionCould you tell me what is wrong with my Japanese maple? It has suddenly begun having curled leaves and some are dropping. One section is affected so far, but I am worried it could spread. Is this some type of disease or is it the weather? We have had the tree a little over a year and it stands about six feet tall. It is planted in a flower bed in full sun. Help.


AnswerCould you tell me what is wrong with my Japanese maple? It has suddenly begun having curled leaves and some are dropping. One section is affected so far, but I am worried it could spread. Is this some type of disease or is it the weather? We have had the tree a little over a year and it stands about six feet tall. It is planted in a flower bed in full sun. Help.


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