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Bell Peppers

September 16, 2017

QuestionMy bell peppers (in pots) have had a large brown spot on the bottom.  The tops are fine to eat and okay.  What is causing this?  



Peppers can suffer from blossom end rot, just like tomatoes, although we don't see it as often.  Blossom end rot is a calcium deficiency caused by fluctuating water levels--which we have seen. Try to keep the pots evenly watered and just cut off the damage until it clears up.


October 2007

QuestionMy pepper plants had lots of leaves but few blooms. What do I add for more blooms for next growing season?


AnswerTwo things to check. First make sure you have ample sunlight. Peppers need a minimum of six to eight weeks of sunlight in order to bloom and set fruit. Peppers are also heavy feeders once they start to set fruit. Using a lot of nitrogen and organic matter early in the season sometimes can lead to excessive vegetative growth and not enough fruit set. Check your fertilization rates, get your soil tested and monitor the sunlight.

July 2006

QuestionIs it possible to grow bell peppers as large as those found in the grocery store? My wife keeps picking them well before they get huge, and I want the big ones.


AnswerWhile it is possible to grow large bell peppers in a home garden, but it isn't easy. Peppers need high nutrition and plenty of water. Fertilize them regularly throughout the growing season. Once your peppers begin turning a dull color, or changing from bright green to red, growth has stopped regardless of your care, and you may as well pick them, unless you want red peppers. But there is hope; peppers can produce up until frost, so keep up with their care. There is also some varietal difference as to eventual mature size.

