Garden Soil
January 2012
I have had a small backyard garden (20x50 foot) for many years. I put compost and
fertilizer(10-20-10) on it every year. This last spring I put on some well composted
chicken manure and tilled it into the soil. I rotate the crops around in this space,
so as not to plant the same crop in the same space 2 years in a row. BUT, In the last
2 years, I have not been able to grow any radishes, turnips or similar root crops,
all they produce is green tops. What can I put into the soil to cure this problem?
I assume you have ample sunlight, because all vegetables need a minimum of 6-8 hours
of sunlight to produce. I think possibly the soil is too rich, putting loads of nitrogen
into the foliage, and not forming the roots. Try mixing some coarse sand into the
planting area, and using a 10-20-10 fertilizer. Make sure you plant in the cool season
(before April 15) and thin the seedlings to give them ample room to grow, and see
what happens this year.
October 2008
I have become increasingly concerned about the possibility of e-coli in my vegetable
garden due to recent outbreaks. I amend my vegetable garden with a garden mix, but
noticed clumps of manure in it. Is this unsafe? What precautions should I use? I garden
in raised beds and will need to add soil this year. What should I use?
E-coli has been in the news a lot these days and has worried many gardeners. If you
are using bagged soils with manures, they have been composted and should not have
the risk of E-coli. We do not recommend the use of any fresh manure in gardens these
days. Manure can be used, but only after it has been well composted. Almost all disease
organisms are killed at 135 degrees, so composting in as short a time period of one
month should suffice. Typically fresh manure holds together, whereas the composted
form is more crumbly like soil. I think you should be safe.
I plant kale and rape in the spot that I will follow with tomatoes and corn since
they stay green all winter are they a good cover crop that will add nutrients to the
soil when tilled in or do I need to plane something else to improve the soil .
They should do great. You can also harvest from them before turning in the remains.
Having a cover crop keeps weeds away. Other choices include vetch, rye, oats or turnips.