Cool Season Weeds
February 2012
We purchased an older home in North Little Rock that has a beautiful St. Augustine
yard. It has increasingly become invaded by a clover-like weed. However, in the past
year, we have tried to find a lawn care company to take care of this grass, but after
several calls, we have received no takers. I don't mind performing the de-weeding
services myself but I don’t know what to use. Do you have any suggestions?
As you are aware, St. Augustine is a lawn grass that is quite sensitive to chemicals.
There are several formulations of 2,4-D on the market that are labeled for use on
Southern grasses. There will usually be a lower rate of application for St. Augustine
grass. Remember, it is better to err on the side of too little versus too much. A
few sample brand names include: Martin’s DeWeed Lawn Weed Killer for Southern Grasses,
Trimec Southern, and Ortho Weed-B-Gon for Southern Lawns Formula II. It may take more
than one application to kill your weeds, but spray lightly. If you go to our extension
website, there is a lawn calendar for St. Augustine and here is the home weed control guide:
November 2011
You had a recent article about how to prepare dormant veggie garden and what kind
of plastic covering to use. I cannot find the article. My garden has been tilled,
fertilized and weeded and now I want to cover it for winter. What kind of covering
is best?.
Earlier in the year I discussed solarizing soil with clear plastic to kill weeds,
diseases and insects. That only works when it is hot outside—during the months of
July, August and September. You can still use plastic to smother out winter weeds
and prevent them from growing this winter, but you would want to use black plastic
to prevent light from getting through. Black plastic also warms up the soil earlier
in the spring which can allow for earlier planting. Clear plastic used in the winter
acts as a mini greenhouse and allows weeds to continue to grow.
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