September 2012
For years my wife's father had his yard in primo condition. Since his passing, the
yard has cultivated a dandy crop of crab grass and other weeds unknown to me. I have
used Ortho Weed Killer with crabgrass preventer, and it really doesn't seem to be
doing the job. In thinking ahead to spring of 2013, what would be my best option in
eradicating crabgrass from the yard, and should I start this fall? I do plan to apply
a Wintertime weed and feed probably in mid October.
I don’t like to use any fertilizer on lawns in Arkansas after mid September unless
you are growing tall fescue. Most southern lawns go dormant for the winter, and I
would hate to encourage new growth, too late in the year, or spur on winter weeds.
Crabgrass is a summer annual weed, which means it germinates in late spring, grows
all summer, sets seeds and dies in the fall or early winter. There is nothing to
do this fall to prevent it for next year. Apply a pre-emergent herbicide in late February
and a second application in early April and you should be good. Monitor for weeds
during the growing season. The more dense the lawn grass, the less weeds you have.
We do have lawn care calendars for each of the lawn grasses grown in Arkansas on our
Lawn Care Calendar: Bermudagrass
Lawn Care Calendar: Centipedegrass
Lawn Care Calendar: St. Augustinegrass
Lawn Care Calendar: Tall Fescue
Lawn Care Calendar: Zoysiagrass
June 2012
We used a pre-emergent herbicide on our lawn this year and it did not stop the progress
of the weed called crabgrass. Is there something I can do to rid my yard of this grass?.
The standard herbicide for crabgrass control for years was MSMA and it is no longer
on the market. We now have products that contain quinclorac for control. However most
homeowner products are combined with another herbicide –many have 2,4-D (a broadleaf
weed killer) which could burn warm season grasses when applied during the hot summer
months –trade names include Weed-B-Gone Max, Weed Stop plus Crabgrass Killer and All
in One Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer. Some products are combined with sulfentrazone—a
sedge killer; trade names include Image Kills Crabgrass or Sedge and Grass Killer.
Make sure if you are applying herbicides that you read the label beforehand. Follow
recommended rates and read if there are any temperature restrictions and that it is
safe for the type of lawn you are growing. Many herbicides are not recommended for
use on St. Augustine or Centipede lawns. Also, make sure that the lawn has ample moisture
before applying chemicals or fertilizers or you could damage the lawn. Don’t spray
on a windy day and don’t treat the entire yard if you just have a patch here and there—spot
spraying would be much safer.
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