UACES Facebook Planting Seeds of Excellence: Personal Development with Mindful Joy
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Planting Seeds of Excellence: Personal Development with Mindful Joy

by Vanessa Lewis - August 30, 2023

Choose to infuse joy into your work amid the constant hustle to produce excellence. It is essential to carve out moments that are solely about personal well-being. Below are five quick ways to practice self-care.  

Five steps to kickstart your bundle of joy:  

#1. Reset your frame of mind.

A frown can instantly appear on our faces if we greet the morning with a grumpy attitude. Try starting the morning with positive self-talk. Even the smallest compliment, like resisting the urge to hit snooze excessively, deserves recognition. Let optimism be your go-to outlook for the morning. We may face several “hiccups” throughout the day but how we manage the hitches is half the battle. Our mindset is an important part of the process. Practice being nice to yourself.  

#2. Time for tranquility.

Dedicate five to ten minutes to center yourself quietly in your working space. This could be in the car before you enter the building, stepping outside before you work from home, or in your private office. Truly inhale and exhale these peaceful minutes prior to diving into the day. 

#3. Social considerations are huge.

Do not underestimate the power of a smile and a quick conversation with a colleague. Our day becomes busy with countless tasks we must accomplish. However, a quick conversation or greeting a peer with a smile can add a sparkle of sunshine to their day. Being kind and polite goes a long way.  

#4. An open-door policy is valuable.

However, it is acceptable to shut your door when deadlines emerge. In the past, I was taught that shutting the door was impolite, but now I recognize the importance when facing time-sensitive projects. If you do not have a door to shut, try utilizing headphones to create a quiet space. We all need quiet time to focus.  

#5. Organize and declutter.

Take the last 15 minutes of your day to tidy your space. This ensures a fresh start for the next morning. Remember, a cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind.  

I practice all five of these daily. They help me reset, regroup, and reboot. While they may not be a cure-all for personal development and joy, these PD&J practices may help you choose joy and happiness in your life.  
