UACES Facebook ILEAD III Dances Around Conflict Resolution
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ILEAD III Dances Around Conflict Resolution

by Taylor Knox, 4-H Center Program Associate - November 20, 2023

Our third virtual iLEAD session commenced on Nov. 17, 2023, delving into the intricacies of conflict resolution and the potential for leaders to evolve through such challenging situations. This session was led by our expert facilitators Vanessa Lewis, program associate, and Dr. Steve Siegelin, associate professor—professional development in the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture's Community, Professional and Economic Development unit.

Lewis initiated our exploration of conflict navigation by likening it to a dance, aptly titled "Boot Scottin’ Boogie, Electric Slide, Macarena, Okay, Let’s Tango!”

Title slide for iLEAD presentationThrough this analogy, she introduced several fundamental concepts. These included:

  • importance of respecting those involved
  • distinguishing between the content and relationship within conflict
  • filtering out distractions
  • differentiating between finding a solution and truly resolving an issue

Lewis illustrated each concept with personal anecdotes, demonstrating their application in our lives, and then invited iLEAD members to do the same.

A pivotal lesson highlighted was the inevitability of conflict—both personally and professionally—and the diverse yet constructive approaches available for skillfully navigating it. As aptly stated by Adam Grant, "The absence of conflict is not harmony; it's apathy.”

Hopefully, we can view conflict as an opportunity to grow, learn, and adapt.

After lunch, we held a brief check-in with the cohort to gather updates on our leadership projects. Several members have made progress with their initiatives.

Next month, iLEAD will be visiting the southeast part of the state to explore the Arkansas Forest Resource Center in Monticello and the Five Oaks Research and Education Center in Humphrey. To learn more information about the iLEAD program, please reach out to Julie Robinson at or Lisa Davis at
