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Poultry Production in Arkansas


Commercial, backyard poultry keepers urged to review biosecurity in light of potent avian flu strain

Commercial and Backyard Poultry Keepers Urged to Review Biosecurity in Light of Potent Avian Flu

It is extremely important that anyone involved with poultry production should review their premise biosecurity procedures and protocols. This should be done by small backyard hobby flock owners and growers of commercial poultry to protect the health of their birds.

Protect your birds- review biosecurity protocol

 Baby chicks in a poultry house
Baby chicks at placement in a broiler house.

Poultry (including broilers, turkeys and chicken eggs) is Arkansas' leading agricultural industry.  Many poultry and egg companies are part of the Arkansas poultry industry.

The last few years have seen an increase in the hobby of keeping small poultry flocks.  Youth poultry programs have also gained in popularity. 

Are hormones used in poultry production?

The answer is no. Download our fact sheet to learn about the four reasons why hormones are NOT used in poultry production. Hormones in Our Poultry: Is It for Real?

If you have questions about poultry production, contact your local County Extension Agent or an Extension Poultry Specialist.

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