Arkansas Youth Poultry Programs
As a top producer in the poultry industry, Arkansas takes pride in educating youth about the world of poultry. Through hands-on programs and competitions, young people can engage at the county, district, or state level.
Explore the exciting opportunities we offer:
- Arkansas Poultry Chain Program
- Arkansas Embryology Project
- 4-H Broiler and Turkey BBQ
- County and State Broiler Shows
- Exhibition Poultry Shows and Poultry Showmanship
Arkansas Poultry Chain
Any 4-H member in good standing is eligible to participate in this project. Members are given up to 25 chicks in the spring. Each county has a set of requirements for the project. All poultry chain chicks from each county are eligible to enter the state fair. Youth are taught how to successfully raise a small flock of poultry. For more information contact your county agent.
Arkansas Embryology Project
This project is intended to teach youth about the embryology process. Small, portable incubators are placed in school class rooms or with 4-H clubs. Eggs are provided from the University of Arkansas Poultry farm upon availability. Many times the eggs used for this project are from show-quality parent stock.
For more information regarding this project contact Andrew Bolton at
4-H Broiler and Turkey BBQ Contest
Broiler and Turkey BBQ contests are competitions where participants are required to grill a portion of a broiler or turkey. There are county, district, state and national BBQ contests that participants can work toward. Contestants compete at county level to qualify for district. From the district contest, there are a set number of contestants that can earn a spot at the state competition. Our state BBQ contest is held at the annual Poultry Federation festival. From there contestants qualify to attend the National Poultry and Egg conference in November. For more information about BBQ Contests, contact your county agent.
County and State Broiler Shows
Many counties offer young people an opportunity to raise broilers for competition. County agents or state specialists obtain broilers from local hatcheries. Participants are given an equal number of broilers from the same parent stock. From that point participants can use their husbandry and nutrition knowledge by aiming to produce the best broilers by county fair time.
We also offer a broiler show contest at the Arkansas State Fair. Birds are distributed in August and reared by competitors until the Arkansas State Fair Broiler Show. For more information about broiler shows in our state, contact your county agent.
Exhibition Poultry Shows and Poultry Showmanship
Exhibition poultry is a great project for any youth interested in small scale showing and production. We strongly encourage young people to research different breeds of poultry to determine what fits their interest. Across our state there are numerous opportunities for youth to show their poultry as well as participate in poultry showmanship. From county fairs, to sanctioned poultry shows, the possibilities are endless. Poultry Showmanship is an ideal way to learn more about the breed and anatomy of poultry. For more information about breeds or showmanship, contact your county agent or visit one of the web sites found below.
Other Media
- American Poultry Association
- American Bantam Association
- National Poultry and Egg Conference
- The Poultry Federation