Arkansas Commercial Poultry

Arkansas is a leading producer of poultry in the United States. The poultry industry is the leading industry of Arkansas animal agriculture providing over 40,000 jobs and 40% of the total cash receipts. Arkansas broilers are the largest segment of the poultry industry with broilers being produced in 53 of the 75 counties in Arkansas. The state was number two in the nation in terms of broiler production in 2012 with the production of over 1 billion broilers. (approximately six billion pounds of broiler meat and a production value of $2.82 billion per year).
Arkansas ranked third in 2012 turkey production with the production of over 30 Million turkeys annually (over 607 million pounds of turkey meat with a production value over $414 Million per year). Turkey production is concentrated in the northwest and north central areas of the state.

In 2017, Arkansas ranked in the top five nationally for commercial turkeys, raising 26.5 million turkeys with a production value of $341 million. In that same year, Arkansas ranked fourth nationally in terms of value of egg production, with a production value of $480 million. The areas of egg production are primarily the northwest and southwest areas of the state.

Poultry of some type are produced on over 6,000 Arkansas farms and accounts for one in four agricultural jobs. Many poultry and egg companies are part of the Arkansas poultry industry.
Arkansas poultry extension personnel are a valuable asset to the poultry industry conducting numerous short courses, workshops, and seminars for the commercial industry annually. Examples of areas of education addressed include:
- Biosecurity
- Poultry breeder management
- Food safety
- Poultry production
- HACCP-based inspection
- Hatchery management
- Lighting and ventilation
- Poultry processing
- Poultry health
- Water quality
The applied and basic research programs and projects of poultry extension provide valuable information for application in the poultry industry and are recognized nationally and internationally.
Commercial Poultry Information
FSA8007 Hormones in Our Poultry: Is It for Real?
FSA8001 Identify Poultry Water System Contamination Challenges
FSA8002 Poultry Health Determination
FSA8005 Poultry Lighting: LED Bulbs Provide Energy Savings and Durability
FSA7048 Understanding and Control of Gangrenous Dermatitis in Poultry Houses
FSA8009 Winterization Suggestions for the Poultry Farm
Evaluation of LED Lighting Technology with Commercial Poultry Production
Interpreting Water Quality Results
Protecting Poultry Against Exotic Poultry Diseases
Waterline Cleaning for Poultry Health