UACES Facebook Arkansas Rice Verification
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Rice Research Verification Program (RRVP)

The Rice Research Verification Program started in 1983 and the Arkansas Rice Research and Promotion Board helps fund the program through a rice checkoff program. 

  • 2021 was the 38th year for the program. 
  • Through those 38 years, over 510 rice fields have been enrolled. 
  • The five-year (2017-2021) average yield for the rice verification fields is 189 bushels per acre. 
  • The state average for that same five-year period is 167 bushels per acre.

2022 Rice Quick Facts

Anyone interested in enrolling in the program should contact their local County Extension Agent.  

Higher yields and profits have been the norm observed in RRVP fields since the program began.  This is attributed in part to efficient, research-based management practices developed and recommended by the University of Arkansas Research and Extension programs.  

Jackon Co. RRVP field 2018

Arkansas RRVP Annual Reports

The following link contains the RRVP Annual Reports.  The annual report is a summary of the RRVP for that year, including summaries of each field, tables with all agronomic information, and economic analysis of each field. 

Southern coordinator Ralph Mazzanti scouting for weeds in Verification rice field
Ralph Mazzanti scouting for weeds in RRVP field, 2019.

