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Arkansas Conservation Partnerships Series

A free virtual educational series funded by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

Branding image for the Arkansas Conservation Partnership (ACP) SeriesDo you work in the agriculture industry with an interest in conservation? The National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers programs and partnerships that can be used to implement conservation practices in Arkansas.

What is the goal of the Arkansas Conservation Partnership (ACP) Series?

The ACP Series' goal is to integrate the efforts of the Arkansas Discovery Farm, Arkansas NRCS personnel, Conservation Districts and the Arkansas Soil Health Alliance with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture's (UADA) virtual delivery to develop system and deliver virtual educational experiences to a statewide network of participants. 



Join Us For Our Next Free 1-Hour Webinar:

Organic Agriculture in Arkansas

on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 10 a.m. CST


We hope you join us as Lynne Haynor (NRCS) and Luke Freeman (UADA) share information about the organic agriculture initiative and programs in Arkansas.

The National Organic Initiative, funded through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), is a voluntary conservation program that provides technical and financial assistance for organic farmers and ranchers, or those interested in transitioning to organic.

NRCS can help organic producers improve their operations or help producers transition to organic using a conservation plan tailored to their needs. Organic producers may apply to either EQIP or EQIP’s Organic Initiative. The EQIP Organic Initiative has a smaller ranking pool, and cap on funding.


 Webinar Agenda:

  1. Regional Organic Specialists
  2. Organics in Arkansas
  3. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Overview
  4. NRCS Programs
  5. Common NRCS Practices for Organic Producers
  6. How to Access NRCS Programs
  7. Farm Service Agency (FSA) Overview
  8. FSA Programs for Organic Producers
  9. Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP)
  10. Resources
  11. Questions? There will be a live Q&A session at the end. 


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Lynne Haynor, NRCS, Organic Conservation Specialist



Luke Freeman, UADA, Program Manager, TOPP



Lynne Haynor, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Organic Conservation Specialist

Lynne's duties include providing organic training for Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) staff, developing regional networks, and performing outreach to organic farmers and organizations.


Luke Freeman, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture (UADA)

Program Manager, TOPP

Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP), is an United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) program. And as manager Luke helps to support farmers who wish to transition to certified organic production.

ACP Host:


Lee Riley Environmetal Science/Crop Management Program Associate withUADA


Lee Riley, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture (UADA)

Environmental Science/Crop Management Program Associate

Crop, Soil and Environmental Science (CSES) Department of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture (UADA) Cooperative Extension Service (CES) 




Introduction: Roles and Responsibilities

Arkansas Conservation Partnerships: Roles and Responsibilities

Arkansas State Conservationist Mike Sullivan with the USDA-NRCS briefly talked about the agency’s history, and some of its programs and partners.

Getting Started With NRCS

Arkansas Conservation Partnerships: Getting Started with NRCS

Adam Eades, a NRCS district conservationist in the Paragould Field Service Center, and Jamison Murry, a NRCS resource conservationist in the Lonoke County Field Service Center, will share how to get started with NRCS.

Small Farm and Urban Ag Opportunities

Arkansas Conservation Partnerships: Small Farm and Urban Ag Opportunities

USDA and NRCS have been increasing support for small scale and urban farmers across the country and here in Arkansas. Learn more from Katy Brantley, NRCS State Urban Conservationist,  about federal opportunities that could help your operation and improve conservation on your farm. 



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