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America Saves Week April 7th-11th, 2025!

Since 2007 America Saves Week has been an annual celebration as well as a call to action for everyday Americans to commit to saving successfully. Through the support of thousands of participating organizations, together we encourage individuals to do a financial check-in that allows them to get a clear view of their finances, set savings goals, and create a plan to achieve them.

Take the Pledge Here


Want to know the best ways to build financial security?

We can help. We provide the latest research-based information about personal finance.

  • Discover ways to increase financial security. 
  • Gain skills to build wealth.
  • Make the most of your resources. 

Living Well

Gain control by making a list of all expenses and income.  List everything that you spend in a typical month.  Identify basic needs like food and shelter.  Look for places to eliminate unnecessary expenses.  Estimate income. Create a plan.

Find personal finance information and tips here!



