Fruit Trees
August 2010
We have a 15 foot tall by 18 foot wide fig tree. It's produced a marvelous amount
of figs this year, but needs to be trimmed back. It's still producing a few small
figs. Any suggestions about how much to cut them back and when? We, the birds, and
raccoons love it.
Figs bear their fruit on the current season growth. The best time to prune them is
right before they start growing in the spring. Figs used to suffer winter damage,
and many years were frozen back by one half or more. That hasn’t been the case in
the past ten years or so, and now the figs are becoming trees, instead of bushes,
but we still want them to get through the winter before pruning. Pruning can be done
if they are intruding into other areas, but if there is room for the large size I
recommend leaving them tall. Let the top figs go for the birds and you can harvest
the lower section.
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