December 2009
I just purchased a Rosemary plant that is being sold for Christmas in topiary form.
Is this plant good to cook with? This is the reason I purchased it. You said it is
best to leave it outdoors. I put it in my store room, as it is cool in there. Also,
can it be repotted as it grows?
It is an excellent plant to cook with. Prune judiciously to keep the shape, but by
all means use it. Repot it as needed. It can also be planted in the ground outdoors
this spring. Rosemary plants usually thrive in our gardens, but in that small container
you are wise to protect it during these cold days. Inside a heated house the lack
of humidity, constant heat and low light often prove fatal for rosemary plants within
a few weeksIt is an excellent plant to cook with. Prune judiciously to keep the shape,
but by all means use it. Repot it as needed. It can also be planted in the ground
outdoors this spring. Rosemary plants usually thrive in our gardens, but in that small
container you are wise to protect it during these cold days. Inside a heated house
the lack of humidity, constant heat and low light often prove fatal for rosemary plants
within a few weeks.
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