April 2012
I have a hibiscus tree plant I kept over the winter. Leaves look good, but no flowers.
I think you mentioned last fall to cut the branches back close to the trunk as only
new ones grow flowers.
Tropical hibiscus sets flower buds on new growth. To ensure plenty of new growth on
older plants, you need to cut it back by at least 1/3 to ½ every year when you move
it back outdoors. Repotting it to alleviate root bound conditions, and regular fertilizing
and watering will also help.
March 2012
A neighbor had two beautiful hibiscus plants on her front porch last year, took them
in for the winter and they were still blooming in Dec. and into Jan. She would be
happy to give me a couple cuttings to start my own this spring. But neither she nor
I know when, how and where on the plant to do this. Suggestions would be much appreciated.
You can root cuttings, and she needs to be pruning them back by at least 1/3 – ½ anyway.
Remember that tropical hibiscus plants bloom on the new growth, so to encourage plenty
of new growth, they should be pruned annually before moving outdoors. The cuttings
you are hoping to root should have no flower buds or spent flowers on them. They should
be three to four inches in length. Strip off any leaves on the base of the cutting.
Dip the cutting in a rooting hormone such as rootone or dip and grow. Fill a 4-6 inch
pot with fresh, sterile potting soil and put up to 10 cuttings in the pot. Moisten
the soil to the consistency of a rung out sponge. Then seal the pot and all inside
a clear plastic bag and put under a shade tree. Avoid direct sunlight or you will
cook the cuttings. In this “miniature greenhouse” in about 6-8 weeks you should have
rooted cuttings which can then be repotted into their own container and grown all
April 2012
I have a Schefflera that we have had outside all year. (Was given to us). It is about
3 ft wide and about 4 1/2 ft. tall. Can I trim it "down to size" before bringing it
in? I do not have room for it as it is anywhere.
Your plant is more than likely going to die back a bit on its own once you move it
back indoors. I am surprised there isn't damage already, since we have had some very
nippy nights, even without a killing frost in parts of the state. Cut back as little
as possible to make the move indoors, and then watch it for the next few weeks. It
is going to have a big shock going from temps in the 30's and 40's to a static 70
degrees, plus lower light and no humidity. Next year, try to bring all houseplants
back inside no later than mid October.
August 2012
I have a night blooming cereus that I rescued from someone who was throwing it out.
After repotting it and giving it loving care, it has recovered to put it mildly. We’ve
had blooms almost every night recently. We love it. My question deals with how to
keep it within bounds. It is over 6 feet tall and still going. Is it acceptable to
cut the plant back? If so, how and when?
The night blooming cereus is a member of the cactus family and I often refer to it
as an ugly duckling. It is a homely plant which produces copious running stems with
small stickers but when it blooms, stand back—the flowers are amazing. Unfortunately,
they only open at night and are only open for one night, but as you said, an established
plant can produce an abundance of blooms. Cut it back as needed before you move it
back inside this fall. The cuttings you remove root easily and you can share this
plant with your friends. It is a cactus, so make sure you don’t overwater. It is not
winter hardy and you want it to rest a bit this winter inside anyway.
November 2009
Years ago I bought three pale pink double tropical hibiscus plants. They were absolutely
beautiful --they looked like orchids and the blooms were about 8 inches across. I
have had them for about six years and have repotted them two or three times. I have
never seen any of these since the year I bought them, so they are scarce. Last year
I took cuttings of them to a local nursery and he put them in misting beds and grew
new ones. I got two of them and several of my friends got some. Two of my friends
have had blooms on theirs. They did not fertilize, however, I did and mine just grew
tall and no blooms. The old ones have not had a single bloom all year. I pruned them
back (in January, I think) and they have grown back out and are 30" to 3 ft. tall,
with lush foliage, but no blooms. If I pruned them in January, did I cut off blooms
already set? They are on my patio and get morning sun, but are not out in direct sun
all day. Please tell me what I am doing wrong.
I don’t know that you are doing anything really wrong, yet I get a lot of complaints
about tropical hibiscus not blooming as well on two to three year old plants. I often
recommend just buying new plants every year, but that is tough when you have a favorite
variety that you want to keep. Remember that tropical hibiscus blooms on new growth,
so you must have healthy new growth every year to set flowers. Pruning older plants
back by at least half and repotting to fresh soil I think is beneficial annually.
It can be done in late winter inside or early spring as you move them back outside.
I do not think you cut off flower buds last year with your pruning. Too much nitrogen
can sometimes result in rapid juvenile growth, but provided they get full sun (at
least 6-8 hours), they should begin to bloom. I have a double peach variety that is
over five feet tall right now and still has flowers on it. Could you have put the
young plants in too large of a container do you think? Sometimes tiny plants get lost
with too much room to grow. We want them to slow down by mid-summer and begin blooming.
Give it another go this year and let’s see what happens.
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