Confederate Jasmine
June 30, 2018
I came upon a lovely hardwood trellis at thrift shop which I compulsively bought imagining it's placement on one of the posts under the gazebo on our deck. I pictured a flowering vine. Then I got to thinking: This past winter I lost a few well established plants that were living on the deck even though they were well "mulched-in" for cold weather (no roots in the ground as the deck is well above ground). I hate the look of dead or dying plants during the winter months. Is there an evergreen vine out there that will keep its look during the winter and brave some really cold temps - as well offer up some really nice blooms during spring and summer? The post I am wanting to dedicate to this is southwest facing and gets some pretty strong afternoon sun but maybe only 3-4 hours’ worth a day.
I would consider confederate jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) or Carolina jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens). Neither are true jasmines but both bloom on evergreen vines. I have a confederate jasmine that grows in full sun exposed on the west side of my brick chimney which had no winter damage even this past winter.
November 12, 2016
This vine has beautiful, small, white, fragrant blossoms in the spring and these pod
things in the fall. When the vine is cut there is a milky white substance as a sap.
Last winter, the ice pulled it away from the wall and we've had no success getting
it to reclimb. Our thought is to prune it back severely and install a trellis. Is
now a time we could do that or what is your suggestion?
I adore this plant. It is commonly called Confederate jasmine-- Trachelospermum jasminoides. It is not a true jasmine but the blooms are so fragrant, that it is called one.
This plant does not grow easily on a brick wall without some type of support. Your
plant is obviously healthy and happy, but do not prune it until after it blooms next
spring. Pruning now will remove your spring blooms. You can use a trellis, or use
some masonry nails and fishing twine to give it something to grow on and it can cover
the wall. For years we struggled getting this plant to survive the winter, but for
the past 15 or so it has done well. I have it on a brick wall in full afternoon sun
and have had no damage to it.
June 11, 2016
I live in White Hall, AR and I have two issues to ask you about. First, I have a confederate
jasmine on a trellis that has filled in and covers the trellis perfectly and is loaded
with blooms. My question is: Should I prune it and if so, when? The only reason I
would want to prune it is to contain its size for the trellis or if needed to insure
blooming in the future. Second issue: I am putting up another trellis (in a flower
bed with southern exposure) and would like another evergreen vine. I saw a Pretty
Crimson (a Sun Parasol mandevilla hybrid) and fell in love with it. Being more of
a tropical vine, will this survive our winters, if planted in the ground? If not,
any suggestions as to what I can plant? I prefer to have a vine on the trellis throughout
the year.
I love confederate jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) which is neither confederate or a true jasmine. It is great evergreen vine with some of the most fragrant blooms. It typically is covered in flowers from late April through early June, and can have some sporadic flowers off and on during the summer. Since it is a prolific vine, some pruning may be needed to keep it in check. Do so, as needed, when the main flowers have faded. Mandevillas now come in a wide range of colors, but none of them would overwinter outdoors regardless of how protected. Carolina jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens) is another evergreen vine with beautiful yellow flowers in the spring. An evergreen clematis- -Armand clematis has lovely white flowers in the spring, and there are many deciduous clematis you could mix in which have huge showy flowers in a wide array of colors.
May 2008
When visiting in Charleston, S.C. recently, I saw a plant called Confederate Jasmine.
Does this grow in Southeast Arkansas? I fell in love with its blooms and the wonderful
fragrance. I was told the plant blooms all summer. I am not familiar with this but
have a perfect place to put it on a fence in Drew County. Will it work?
Confederate jasmine – Trachelospermum jasminoides is a wonderful vine or groundcover
for semi-shady areas in the south. It is definitely winter hardy in southern Arkansas,
and has been faring quite well in central Arkansas. It is listed as hardy to zone
8, but as I said it has been doing well in zone 7. It blooms most prolifically in
May and June but you can have scattered flowers thereafter as well. It needs a trellis
or fence to grow on and will need a bit of training to get it there. The plant is
evergreen, but has been zapped back occasionally in a cold winter.