Morning Glory
October 27, 2018
This spring I planted what I think is called a "hummingbird vine" – pointed lacy-like foliage with little red trumpet-like blossoms. It has done very well on the trellis this summer. I is there any chance it will survive the winter and come back? If so, what can I do for it this fall/winter? When it goes dormant, should I cut it back or leave the tops for added winter protection?
The “Hummingbird Vine” you are describing is an annual member of the morning glory
family. It is also commonly called Cypress vine because of its delicate foliage.
Ipomea quamoclit is the Latin name. Although it is an annual vine, it often reseeds
itself, sometimes too well. Some gardeners find it a bit invasive, but I like the
vine. Hopefully yours will self-seed and you will find it growing again next spring
after the soil warms up.
May 2010
What shrub would you recommend as a hedge in the Cammack Village area? I'd like to
create a living screen to hide a shed & work area in the backyard. The shed sits at
the back of the property which is fairly narrow & deep like a rectangle. What vine
would you recommend to use for a small arbor which located just out the back door
of the house on the same property?
Is the area shaded where the hedge will be planted? If so here are some good choices:
wax myrtle, illicium (Florida anise), cherry laurel and Sweet bay magnolia--this last
one is not evergreen. In sunny conditions you can use Little Gem magnolia, one of
the hollies- Foster, Yaupon, Lusterleaf, Nelly R. Stevens; or eleagnus. For the vine,
you could use a mix: trumpet honeysuckle, clematis, akebia and some annual vines:
moon flower morning-glory, cypress vine and hyacinth bean.