Pepper Vine
October 8, 2016
Every summer we have wild vines that grow along and up the fence row of our Altheas (Rose of Sharon). The vines are invasive, and grow as tall or taller than the fence row. The stem is woody. As you can see from the pictures, the leaves are very dark green and the shape resembles a holly leaf, although not heavy in texture. The vine has berries that start off pale and turn dark purple. The birds don't seem to care for the berries. Any idea what this vine is?
The vine in question is commonly called a peppervine—ampelopsis is the genus. It can grow quite prolifically and have small purple grape-like fruits.
October 1, 2016
Can you tell me what kind of vine this? Poison ivy, box elder or other? Lot's in my flower bed.
The vine in question is commonly called a peppervine—ampelopsis is the genus. It can grow quite prolifically and have small purple grape-like fruits.
June 25, 2016
Could you identify this tree or vine, not sure which it is? I dug it up from under a Japanese maple. It grows rapidly and prefers shade. No one seems to know what it is; I have looked in all my tree books and have attempted to look on line
The plant is a perennial vine commonly called Peppervine—Ampelopsis arborea. It will grow in sun or shade and if it gets enough light will set small dark purple fruits late in the season. It can be quite invasive.
September 2010
We have a small dark berry growing on the fence line at our home. The leaves are small
and jagged and the berries are growing in clusters like a grape. I have tried to find
them on the internet, but have had no luck. Are they poisonous? I hope you can help
me out. They are plentiful and I would like to make jelly.
The plant in question is Ampelopsis arborea, commonly called Pepper Vine. Although it is in the grape family, the fruit is inedible.
The plant can be somewhat weedy in its growth habit.